Category: Religions/Faiths/Movements

EternalSecurity-NOSASvsOSAS 4

Eternal Security: NOSAS Versus OSAS (Part 4)

Please read Parts 1,  2 and 3 before reading part 4 I have debated many people on the topic of eternal security among them atheists, Calvinists, Muslims, Afrikaner Israelites, Seventh Day Adventists, Sabbatarians, Charismatics and, believe it or not, even Christians. None...

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Kilroy was Here or was it Leonard Sweet?

Leonard Sweet, a leading figure in the Emergent Church (although he denies having any ties with them any longer – read here and here), is touring South Africa and telling the pastors of the Dutch Reformed Church in particular that they...

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Rewards in Heaven

Calvinists are not only completely mistaken on the biblical theme of redemption; they are also completely wrong with respect to the biblical topic of rewards in heaven. Oddly enough, their error stems from the wrong premise that humility, modesty and...

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Do Not Procrastinate, CALL!

Do Not Procrastinate, CALL! Do you know that the words “call” or calling” are some of the most important words in the world? You don’t? Perhaps you may have thought that “love” or “money” or “relationships” or “compassion” or even...

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Back to Rome or is it Babylon?

Back to Rome or is it Babylon? In Revelation chapter 17 the apostle John was given an amazing vision of a church that will dominate the entire human race in the end time and is going to force the entire...

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Eternal Security: NOSAS Versus OSAS (Part 1)

Eternal Security: NOSAS Versus OSAS (Part 1) I have debated many people on the topic of eternal security among them atheists, Calvinists, Muslims, Afrikaner Israelites, Seventh Day Adventists, Sabbatarians, Charismatics and, believe it or not, even Christians. None of them...

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Sheep and Goats – Who are They?

Calvinists have an uncanny flair to misread, misinterpret and even misquote passages in Scripture with one thing in mind – to defend Calvin’s doctrines of grace. One of the passages they often use to substantiate their agenda is Matthew 25:31-46...

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The Legacy of John Calvin – Part 3

John Calvin and the doctrine of Calvinism’s Esotericism Whenever the mind is riddled with confusion, perplexity and puzzlement ESOTERICISM seems to be the magic wand that settles and puts it to rest. The dictionary defines the word ‘esoteric’ in the following way: ‘understood...

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The Legacy of John Calvin – Part 2

I have already given a brief summary of what the essence is of Calvinism. However, as a short introduction to part 2 of my series on Calvinism, I would like to repeat it here. John Calvin and Calvinism in a...