Category: Religions/Faiths/Movements

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Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind? – Part 3

Please read Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind – Part 2 and Part 1  In the Emerging Church’s pantheon of idols there is one chief idol that overshadows all the others. His/her/its name is PARADOX. On page 32 of his book “New...

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Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind? – Part 2

Please read Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind Part 1  In part 1 of this short series on idolatry and the vice grip it has on the Mosaiek Church in Fairland, Johannesburg, I ventured to parallelize their view of the dangers inherent...

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Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind? – Part 1

And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? (Luke 6:39; KJV). He further told them a proverb: Can a blind [man] guide and direct a blind [man]?...

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Contemplative Spirituality: The Throne of Satan

Contemplative Spirituality Contemplative Spirituality – The followers of the Emergent Jesus are completely enamored, captivated, bewitched, besotted, and smitten by hidden secrets, so much so that they are continually boasting that they have found this or that new hidden secret...

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Love Covers All Transgressions

Hatred stirs up strifes; But love covers all transgressions. (Proverbs 10:12). Isn’t this a great verse to throw at anyone who dares to expose heretics and their false teachings? A dear sister of mine in the Lord with whom I...

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The Intense Abhorrence of Apostasy

The Abhorrence of Apostasy One of the most amazing and awe-inspiring sections in the Bible is in Paul’s second letter to the Church in Thesslonica where he warns his brethren about the impending apostasy. “Let no one deceive or beguile...

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John MacArthur’s Unanswerable Questions?

John MacArthur’s Unanswerable Questions? This is probably the most profound and “spiritual” (and most hilarious) thing one of the most distinguished and high-profile preachers of our day has said this century. John MacArthur said the following when a little kid...

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GOD TV Is Undoubtedly The Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy

GOD TV Is Undoubtedly The Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy 2 Peter 2:3 KJV 1611 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. Amplified...

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Hoe Om Mense Met Liefde Hel toe te Stuur

(English translation below.) Inleiding Toe Jesus vir Petrus vra: “Het jy my lief, meer as hulle hier?” het Hy na regte vir Petrus geleer wat ware liefde is en hoe om dit van ‘n valse en helse soort liefde te...