Category: Religions/Faiths/Movements

DriesCronje 0

Dries Cronje – In and Out, Right or Wrong, Which one are you?

Dries Cronje – Your In and your Out… Would you penalize me when I change a certain Bible verse very slightly? Yes? Ok! so here goes: He who possesses the Truth has the only Truth; he who does not possess...

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Lazarus’ resurrection, an analogy of regeneration? Never!

Lazarus’ resurrection – A Calvinist’s analogy of regeneration Calvinists often refer to Lazarus’ resurrection as an analogy of regeneration, not of the reprobate who have no chance of ever being saved because Jesus did not die for them on the cross,...

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Isa al Masih – The Muslim’s ‘Jesus Christ’

Isa al Masih So it’s happening.  Muslims are having dreams and visions of something that looks like Jesus.  Imagine that.  If it was not for the Bible we would be none the wiser as to what was going on.  Fortunately...

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RC Sproul – Don’t meddle with the Westminster Confession of Faith

Don’t meddle with the Westminster Confession of Faith, Especially the very first section which deals with God’s eternal decrees.   Chapter 3 “Of God’s Eternal Decree” (the Westminster Confession of Faith) begins as follows:  I. God from all eternity did by the...

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The Destruction of Christianity

You have probably been wondering why a government would allow a few hundred thousand even millions of illegal immigrants into a country to take away the employment of the citizens of the country?  If you have not heard of this,...

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Charles Spurgeon: The Prince of Preachers

“I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say,...

Where to look in the Bible to find these verses 6

Where to look in the Bible to find these Verses

Where to look in the Bible to find these Verses: Below is a list of verses that you can print out and keep with you. The Old Testament: Creation and Sin…………….Genesis 1-3 The First Murder…………….Genesis 4:1-16 Noah and the Flood…………..Genesis...

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Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – The Error of Lordship Salvation (Part 3)

Please see Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – Losing your Salvation (Part 1) here and (Part 2) 3) Prof Malan believes is Lordship Salvation. Prof Johan Malan says, ‘Jesus made Nicodemus understand that theological knowledge and a good life...

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Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – Losing your Salvation (Part 1)

Recently I (Deborah) reconciled with Prof. Johan Malan and asked forgiveness over publishing an article on his relationship with Calvinists.  See  apology here:    Prof Malan states that his theological views have not been altered, that he is still against...