Category: Religions/Faiths/Movements

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An Ecumenical, Post Modern, Post Apartheid, Missional Church

Since the Conference hosted by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Stellenbosch and Communitas from 18-20 May 2009 on the theme “What can we learn from the book of Acts about being a Missional Church?” the Book of...

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What to EXPECT in the Last Days

In these last days that we are in, I would love to attend a Mighty Men Conference like I did the Absa Stadium conference back in 2008 so I could hear exactly what Angus preached for myself.  Of course I could not...

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Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – Second Work of Grace (Part 5)

4) Prof Johan Malan believes in the false teaching of a ‘Second Work of Grace’ Prof Malan says: “7. The foolishness of a carnal lifestyle Many Christians act foolishly by neglecting to seek after the second work of grace of being...

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Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – The Error of Partial Rapture (Part 4)

4) Prof Johan Malan believes in a Partial Rapture Prof Malan states: “7. It separates true and nominal Christians Apart from the division that the rapture will effect between the saved and unsaved people in the world, it will also separate...

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Cameroon Government Shuts Down Over 50 Pentecostal Churches, Plans to Shut 100 in Total

This is actually frightening, where is freedom of religion in this country?  Now I know that a lot of churches are mostly con artists preaching a false doctrine stealing people’s hard eared money, but what about the ones that are...

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Hell – What Does the Bible Say About It

After Desmond Tutu claimed  “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place.”  –> Read here.    I thought it appropriate to publish this article...

Amillennialiism vs Dominionism 3

Amillennialism vs Dominionism

Amillennialism and Dominionism fits “like a hand in a glove”, says C. Peter Wagner, head apostle from the New Apostolic Reformation.  Below we will analyze the two and we will see that he is quite right. What is Amillennialism: Amillennialism...

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The Farce of Women’s Day – 9 August

The Farce of Women’s Day Women’s days has come and gone (9 August) with much fanfare, media exposure and, believe it or not, the glossy accolades of well-known leaders who’d been accused of raping women in the past. South Africa...

What do you think revival means 11

What did YOU think Revival meant?

I once bought a Christianity Today magazine, paged through it and thought, “this will come in handy one day”. Years later I picked it up again, and I realized that day had arrived. Is Revival Really Here?  What are the next...

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Dries Cronje – In and Out, Right or Wrong, Which one are you?

Dries Cronje – Your In and your Out… Would you penalize me when I change a certain Bible verse very slightly? Yes? Ok! so here goes: He who possesses the Truth has the only Truth; he who does not possess...