Category: Religions/Faiths/Movements

Kobus van Rensburg – Graves 0

Kobus van Rensburg – Buried instead of Risen

‘Prophet’ fails to rise from the dead December 28 2013 at 11:43am – THE STAR  – File photo: Ihsaan Haffejee North West – Stilfontein ‘prophet’ Kobus van Rensburg has failed to rise from the dead, despite his followers’ fervent hopes he would,...

John MacArthur – blood of Jesus 77

John MacArthur – Blood of Jesus Liquid / Never applied in Heaven

John MacArthur declares that the blood of Jesus was just liquid and was never applied in heaven. Apparently this is all a big mis-understanding.  Apparently John MacArthur was deliberately taken out of context and has had to deal with the...

Baptism 0

Importance of Spiritual Baptism (Part 2)

Important, please read:  (Part 1) Someone who loves me to death and has fought tooth and nail for the observance of baptism by immersion in water as the only acceptable and biblical way to baptize new converts, asked me to...

building relationships- stephan joubert 1

Stephan Joubert – What You Think, Is What You Are

Stephan Joubert … What You Think, Is What You Are God says that our thoughts are mirror images of what we truly are in our deepest innermost being. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and...

Stephan Jouberts deconstruction of Christianity 3

Stephan Joubert’s Censorship of Paul and Deconstruction of Christianity

Stephan Joubert is constantly criticizing the Church. In his newest blog commentary on echurch he says that the Church needs simple Simons to cure the Church. Cure the Church of what and to which Church is he actually referring?  –...

Who do you say I am 0

Who do you say I am?

Have you ever wondered why Jesus asked his disciples who the people and who they believed the Son of Man was? (Matthew 16:16). He obviously did not ask this question expecting them to merely nod their heads in recognition and...

Kobus van Rensburg – Immortal Dead Passed away 220

Kobus van Rensburg – The Immortal Conquered by Death

Kobus van Rensburg the Immortal has died. This morning 21 December 2013 at 05:30 am from an ongoing battle with cancer.  We wish his family our sincerest condolences during this time.  However we can’t let it slip by that Kobus...

neo gnostic calvinism 67

Neo-Gnostic Calvinism – The Correct Understanding

NEO-GNOSTIC CALVINISM: INTRODUCTION I can appreciate highfalutin language when I am armed with a large and trusted dictionary and thesaurus but I have no sympathy whatsoever with anyone who woefully, wilfully and deliberately contradicts himself and, worst of all, the...