Category: Religions/Faiths/Movements

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Obama Declares War On Extremists

Obama Declares War On ‘Extremists’ – Are You An ‘Extremist’ According To His Definition? By Michael Snyder, on January 11th, 2015 Do you know what an extremist is?  In the wake of the horrible terror attacks on the offices of...

Charlie Hebdo logo 14

Charlie Hebdo Attack – Analysis

Charlie Hebdo Attack in France Charlie Hedbo terrorist attack – France is one of Islam’s greatest appeasers. France controlled several Islamic countries in the days of their African empire. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Guinea, Niger, Mauritania, Gambia Ivory Coast and...

The Book of Enoch 51

The Nephilim (Fallen Angels) Controversy

The Nephilim Controversy – The Book of Enoch Very few people seem to realize that the Nephilim theory is a Neo-Gnostic, New Age teaching and emphatic denial of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s incarnation. Genesis 6:1-7 And it came to...

Death of the Reprobate – oil on panel painting by Hieronymus Bosch 45

Only The Elect are Lost; The Reprobate are Not

Only The Elect are Lost –  The Reprobate are Not Elect, Can you Solve this Riddle?    I assume you already know that the Reformed fraternity is celebrating the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth on 10 July 1509 this year. You...

Rema Marketing Global Watch Weekly 44

Who is Rema Marketing (Global Watch Weekly)?

Rema Marketing article updated: 4/4/2015; 17/4/2015; 27/4/2015; 9/8/2017 Who is Rema Marketing (Global Watch Weekly) and what do they believe? It really upsets me when so called ‘Christian’ ministries lie.  It upsets me even more when so called ‘Christian’ ministries charge...

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The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness without Steroids”

The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness” Adherents to the Emergent Church have an uncanny ability to tell their congregates what to do without explaining to them what they really have in mind. They have the knack to use biblical terminology very...

Kundalini serpent 4

The Worldwide Initiation into the New World Order – Yoga

Practicing Yoga – A Worldwide Initiation into the New World Order It ‘s easy to see that Yoga is just another one of Satan’s devices to mimic Jesus Christ and his teaching. The term yoga is derived from the literal...

White Lily 3

In Plain Words – Redefining Christian Terminology

In Plain Words – Redefining Christian Terminology Next time a fellow Christian nods his head in agreement with you over a common Christian term it may surprise you to know that what that person understands of the term may be different...

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Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top

Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top. What do you think the result would be if we were to do a survey asking people the question: “If you were able to bring about the most important and revolutionary...

Caught Up By Jesus Christ Or Caught By A False Christ 39

Caught Up By Jesus Christ Or Caught By A False Christ

The Tribulation and the Rapture (being Caught up) In some of his last words of the 1st Epistle to the (1 Thess 5:23) the apostle Paul prays, “And may the God of peace sanctify you completely, and may your whole...