Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat
Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss Stephan Joubert pulled another rabbit from his hat when he advised the readers of his site to “Hou dit Kort” (Keep it Short). To illustrate he refers to Dr...
Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss Stephan Joubert pulled another rabbit from his hat when he advised the readers of his site to “Hou dit Kort” (Keep it Short). To illustrate he refers to Dr...
Sweeping the Truth Under the Carpet For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and make it inoperative. (Romans 1:18) Many Christians the...
The Key to God’s Blessings When Jude, the brother of Jesus, resolved to write to his brethren in regard to their common salvation, he felt compelled to urgently appeal to and exhort them to contend for the faith which was...
WHAT IS INCARNATIONAL SPIRITUALITY? Lesslie Newbigin offers one of the best definitions of incarnational spirituality. The following is an excerpt from “Assessing Missional Orientation: Observing Biblical Community, Incarnational Service, Bold and Humble Witness, and Reproduction of Disciples in The Light...
Many well-known and greatly esteemed preachers and teachers have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about their association with some of the weirdest, worst, and most dangerous false prophets in these last days’ of exponential apostasy. Here are a few well-documented examples....
WAS CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON A CLAIRVOYANT? SANCTIFYING A CLAIRVOYANT Simon the sorcerer was much-admired as “the great power of God” until Peter exposed him as a fraud, charlatan and a demon inspired clairvoyant. (Acts 8:9-11). Like him many false apostles,...
Why Jonathan Cahn, His Mysteries, Keys and Revelations Must be Ignored Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been bothering me with his “The Harbinger” and now “The Mystery of the Shemitah” ‘revelations‘. Who is he exactly? Is he a born again Christian...
WHAT LIES AT THE ROOT OF THE BRUTAL ATTACK ON THE UNIQUENESS OF JESUS CHRIST’S SUFFERING ON THE CROSS? Liberal theologians, or shall we call them what they really are, false teachers [who studied at the Seminary or Synagogue of...
The Antichrist or Man of Lawlessness – Who Is He? I sometimes sit and wonder who the antichrist is, could it be the Pope Francis, or is Pope Francis the false prophet and Barack Hussein Obama the Antichrist. Then it dawned on...
John Piper debates A.W. Tozer in defence of TULIP John Piper made nine videos in defense of TULIP and Calvinism which can be viewed on his site “Desiring God.” In response to the Calvinists’ unbiblical view of God’s sovereignty an...