Category: Occultism

Firewalking 0

Firewalking – Walking into a Whole Lotta Trouble

Firewalking is becoming a common practice in South Africa Not among the Hindu’s who have been doing it for hundreds of years, but among white South Africans who are fooled into thinking that walking across burning hot coals will help...

ToddBentley-GreatAwakeningHealingRevival 15

Todd Bentley coming to South Africa – BEWARE!

  I know this article is a tad late, but I beg you if you went to see Todd Bentley on his South African Crusade Tour with “Prophet Zion Matthew” in Durban, followed by visits to the Solid Rock Church...

JanniePelser 10

An open letter to Pastor Jannie Pelser about T.B. Joshua

An open letter to Pastor Jannie Pelser about T.B. Joshua Bill Randles answer to Ds. Jannie Pelser ‘…One of the most alarming aspects of Joshua’s ministry that I raised is Transubstantiation, the heretical teaching that Joshua has power to transform...

FreeWillism 0

Free Will Under Attack (Again?) – Part 2

Free will is permissible when Calvinists judge others’ beliefs but forbidden when others evaluate Calvinism in the light of Scripture. Calvinists are skilfull at discerning the Word of Faith Movement as being an idolatrous, blasphemous and God dishonouring teaching, and I...

CTMI-logo 21

Church Team Ministries International (CTMI) – Preaches like a Cult, Acts like a Cult, Must be a Cult

Jacob Prasch – Chuck Missler – Demonic Nephilim 203

Jacob Prasch & Chuck Missler – Demonic Nephilim

Jacob Prasch and his friend Chuck Missler both teach the the same demonic Nephilim teaching that angels came down to earth and had sexual relations with human women who somehow miraculously gave birth to ginormous babies who grew to be...

MorielAndMidrash 36

Moriel Ministries and MIDRASH

Moriel and Midrash by Martin Horan – 21/12/2012 Having held a fascination for Jewish theology and philosophy, and read and studied much on these things for about forty-five or so years, I occasionally check out Jewish sites on-line. I especially enjoy...

ShadowsoftheBeast-JacobPrasch 292

Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way

Shadows of the Beast:  Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way So I bought the book, “Shadows of the Beast” by Jacob Prasch and didn’t really make it past the Prologue.  I was kinda horrified at a number of...

CarlyRaeJapsen-CallMeMaybe 34

Katy Perry & Carly Rae Jepsen: Sold their Souls

There is this annoying poppy little tune on the radio that drives me nuts every time I hear it, because when I first heard it a few months ago I was sure I heard her sing the words, “hope for...

Joyce Meyer 149

Joyce Meyer – Shocking False Teachings and Quotes

Joyce Meyer is a Word of Faith Charismatic / New Age teacher who preaches along the lines of Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Fred Price, Charles Capp, Benny Hinn, Paul and Jan Crouch, and those who appear on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), etc....