Category: Occultism

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Elza Meyer – Hearing God’s Voice the Contemplative Way

Elza Meyer is part of the New Apostolic Reformation and is a minister at Moreletapark Church and Dutch Reformed Church’s and is big friends with Angus Buchan (Shalom Ministries), Stephan Joubert, Isak Burger, Graham Power (Transformation Africa), Bennie Mostert (Jericho Walls), et el.  Elza...

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What is Entering ‘The Presence’ Really all About?

No man can approach God, no man has seen Him, nor can any man see Him 1 Timothy 6:16 “Who only has immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach to; whom no man has seen, nor can...

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The Calvinistic Moral High Ground

The Calvinistic Moral High Ground What do you say to someone who usurps the moral high ground and accuses everyone else of being false, blasphemous, heretic, off the track and guilty of offering strange fire when he himself follows a...

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Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind? – Part 3

Please read Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind – Part 2 and Part 1  In the Emerging Church’s pantheon of idols there is one chief idol that overshadows all the others. His/her/its name is PARADOX. On page 32 of his book “New...

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Contemplative Spirituality: The Throne of Satan

Contemplative Spirituality Contemplative Spirituality – The followers of the Emergent Jesus are completely enamored, captivated, bewitched, besotted, and smitten by hidden secrets, so much so that they are continually boasting that they have found this or that new hidden secret...

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The Intense Abhorrence of Apostasy

The Abhorrence of Apostasy One of the most amazing and awe-inspiring sections in the Bible is in Paul’s second letter to the Church in Thesslonica where he warns his brethren about the impending apostasy. “Let no one deceive or beguile...

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Kilroy was Here or was it Leonard Sweet?

Leonard Sweet, a leading figure in the Emergent Church (although he denies having any ties with them any longer – read here and here), is touring South Africa and telling the pastors of the Dutch Reformed Church in particular that they...

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The Legacy of John Calvin – Part 3

John Calvin and the doctrine of Calvinism’s Esotericism Whenever the mind is riddled with confusion, perplexity and puzzlement ESOTERICISM seems to be the magic wand that settles and puts it to rest. The dictionary defines the word ‘esoteric’ in the following way: ‘understood...

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The Legacy of John Calvin – Part 2

I have already given a brief summary of what the essence is of Calvinism. However, as a short introduction to part 2 of my series on Calvinism, I would like to repeat it here. John Calvin and Calvinism in a...

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Retha McPherson’s Message from Another God – (Part 2)

Continuation from:    Retha McPherson’s Message from Another God – (Part 1) If you have not read Part 1, please do so before you continue to read Part 2 in order to have a full and correct understanding of the...