Category: Occultism

Angus Buchan God TV 9

Why does Angus Buchan get promoted by God TV

Why does Angus Buchan get promoted by God TV so much? Because Wendy and Rory Alec (founders of God TV) are South African and so is Angus Buchan. (South Africans support one another hole heartedly when it comes to false teaching.)...

WilliamBranhamF ireHalo 422

William Branham – False Prophet

William Branham – False Prophet I have decided to write this article on William Branham for 2 reasons and that is this: William Branham’s influence on the church today is nothing but a vile attack on the True Body of...

Todd Bentley – Georgian Banov 0

Blasphemous Prophecy at Todd Bentley’s Ritual Ceremony

George Banov prophecies 2 scriptures that were for Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ ONLY over Todd Bentley. July 1, 2008  by Craig “Lee” Dorsheimer This Youtube video [ ] was available in 2008 but is now private. In Todd Bentley’s initiation “ordination”...