Category: Occultism

NancyMissler 90

Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears

Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears Nancy Missler began her Christianity under a woman who was known for training the next generation of ecumenical world leaders and established the campus ecumenical movement. “Nancy Missler attended UCLA where she studied art. She met Chuck on a blind...

AlbertMohler 31

Ungodly Christian Pastors in our Churches?

Ungodly Christian Pastors in our Churches? WHO would have KNOWN it was POSSIBLE? Jesus said:    Matthew 7:21-23      21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who...

DionForster 31

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video Dion Forster follower of the Cosmic Christ, Ecumenical Methodist Minister and avid cyclist, had this to say about the Turn2God gathering that took place on the 6th March 2010 at the Union Building...

John MacArthur 259

John MacArthur – Transformation of Grace Community Church

This information has been painstakingly put together by Bob Johnson over a period of several years.  It’s shocking and I believe it’s the truth. Bob has been attacked by John MacArthur and Phil Johnson who have tried to discredit him, but...

Turn2God – 144

Turn2God at the Union Buildings was…

Elza Meyer had a vision from God one morning to host Turn2God. They expected 40,000 people to show up and pay +/- R100 for seats.  (These things are no longer for free).   But instead her god only managed to get 15,000...

LeeGrady 13

Lee Grady – Take the Holy Ghost out that box He is stuck in

Kathryn Kuhlman 59

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer Angus Buchan loves to mention Smith Wigglesworth as a great man of god but lately he is mentioning Kathryn Kuhlman quite a bit.  I thought I would just give a brief history of this diabolical woman.   Please...

mosselbaai_Christus 57

Second 8th Week – Christ appears in cloud at Mosselbay

Second 8th Week – Christ appears in cloud at Mosselbay Rosa Ellis from Second 8th Week took a photo using her cell phone while in Danabaai where she claims you can clearly see Christ holding a lamb in his arms. Rina Bekker...

I Love Compromising 44

Compromisers – Do Not Let Him Into Your Home

Fellowshipping with Compromisers Guilt by association does not go down well with people who like to mingle with other people who happily accept false teaching – especially when they know the person they are befriending is not Christian. In the...

Warning-Witchcraft Ahead 61

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away If only people would just read the Word of God when it comes to the warning signs of spotting false teachers.  I just hope that springbok Ruben Kruger saw the truth of...