Category: Occultism

Kim Clement – Wolf in Sheeps Clothing 47

Kim Clement – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Is Kim Clement a New Age Prophet?  If you’re unable to deal with issues of Bible doctrine this article will be disturbing in two ways; to those who follow such teachings and to those who hold to the Word of God correctly...

Holy Spirit Dove on Fire 303

Biblical Holy Spirit vs. Unholy Spirit of Fire

Holy Spirit vs. Filthy Spirit of Fire, the calling down of Fire from heaven over a congregation, or praying Fire over someone is the norm in the church today. It has come to  resemble the early heretic Gnostic churches. Religious...

TDjakes-heavenisforreal 32

T D Jakes To Produce New Film – Heaven Is For Real

Please see here for DTW’s review of:  Heaven is For Real – This Story is Not ————– Bishop T D Jakes To Produce New Film – Heaven Is For Real by, May 10, 2011 With the opening weekend success...

BethMooreJohnPiper 24

Beth Moore, John Piper leads the Youth into Lectio Divina at Louie Giglio Passion’s Conference 2012

I said it before here: Louie Giglio – A Baptist with an Emerging Agenda and here: Louie Giglio – Sometimes Silence is Loud and here: Louie Giglio – Chasing The Experience (Part 1) that Louie Giglio was silently practicing Contemplative...

chuck missler and Roger Oakland 206

Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed

Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed: Do Not be Unequally Yoked Together with Unbelievers It is with a very heavy heart that I re-post this article because there is a man who I looked up to that I am now...

James Robinson 18

Televangelist James Robison Praising Catholic Priest

Because we are living in the last days (and boy are we in the last days), we are seeing more and more ‘Evangelists’ like James Robison turning to Rome, and speaking a message that Pentecostals, Protestants, et al need to come...

TBJoshua-Exposed 47

T.B. Joshua’s Evil Doings Finally Exposed!

T.B. Joshua’s Evil Doings Finally Exposed!  Clueless in Nigeria? by Mike Oppenheimer – Let Us Reason Ministries Christian America has been saturated with miracles, by the TV, books and crusades. But it has have not changed our country. We have...

Calvary Chapel Knights of Malta 4

Chuck Smith’s Calvary Chapel and Jerry Boykin’s Knights of Malta, Vatican connection

Chuck Smith is going to far, recently Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa is promoting and highly esteeming the The Grand Magisterial Chancery for the Knights of Malta – Jerry Boykin.  Jerry Boykin is a returning visitor to Calvary Chapel.  

Theo Geyser 5

Theo Geyser – ‘What Does God Think of Us?’

So What does God think of us according to Theo Geyser About sixteen years ago Coetzee Zietsman, one of the cameramen of the series, “What does God think of us?”on SABC2 (8:30 AM), produced a similar program for SABC TV. It was probably...