Category: Mormonism

Mormonism is a religious movement that was founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. The people that belong to this religion are called Latter-day Saints, or Mormons. Their teachings are similar yet completely different to many Christian churches. They however consider themselves to be Christian. Keywords: mormons, mormonism, latter day saints, joseph-smith

Mother Goddess Worship with Child 0


Introduction Stephan Joubert is not the only person who loves to disparage the truth, and, as I have already pointed out in one of my previous FB posts and DTW articles, he cannot seem to shake off the idea that...

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The Heresy of Xandré Strydom

Madeleine from Discerning the Worlds’s Facebook group asked about Xandré Strydom of Christ in Me International. I went to investigate. Xandré Strydom is the Senior Pastor from Christ in Me International and teaches the heresy that Jesus was not born...

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Water Baptism or Spiritual Water Baptism?

A comment from Paul on Baptism: ” Peter, after seeing gentiles filled with Holy Ghost (Acts 10:44-47) asks, (v47) “‭‭Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?‭”...

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Seeking Salvation or Deliverance?

Need Help?  Are you seeking deliverance or are you just seeking salvation?  You have come to the right place! I am going to get right to the point regarding deliverance because I know you are desperate and need urgent help.  If...

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A Good Moral Soil

How To Achieve a Good Moral Soil and Thence an Unshakeable Unity We’re living in a day and age when everyone is striving for unity without counting the cost. Ravi Zacharias, speaking at a large congregation of Evangelicals and Mormons...

John MacArthur – Arthur Brooks – Morminism1 4

John MacArthur and Arthur Brooks – From Rome to Mormonism

John MacArthur / The Master’s College Partners with Roman Catholic Mormonism Promoter Watch the video below of Arthur Brooks & John MacArthur:    VIDEO REMOVED FROM THE INTERNET When we were doing research on John MacArthur, we discovered Arthur C. Brooks...

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An open letter to Pastor Jannie Pelser about T.B. Joshua

An open letter to Pastor Jannie Pelser about T.B. Joshua Bill Randles answer to Ds. Jannie Pelser ‘…One of the most alarming aspects of Joshua’s ministry that I raised is Transubstantiation, the heretical teaching that Joshua has power to transform...

FourHorsemen 178

Not Wrath, but Rapture – Will the Church Participate in the Great Tribulation?

There is an onslaught by Satan on snatching believers away from The Blessed Hope.  This onslaught is so intense that hardly anyone believes in a pre-tribulation rapture anymore, and if you do believe that Jesus would dare come and fetch...

Polygamy 2

I fell in love, and then I fell in love again…and again…

‘Sister Wives,’ ’19th Wife’ and ‘Big Love’ usher in wave of polygamy programming DAVID HINCKLEY © Copyright 2010 Monday, September 13th 2010, 4:00 AM Since television has developed a serial fascination with everything from cupcakes and hoarding to boorish people...

Collage of Self Proclaimed Gods and Messiahs 35

Collage of Self Proclaimed Gods and Messiahs

There are millions of false teachers and false prophets in the world today, below is a list of just some of the self-proclaimed gods and messiahs we care to mention. Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I...