Category: Latter Rain Teaching / Dominionism / Kingdom Now

Nephilim_Part1 18


Who were the Nephilim – written by Vernon Gray and critiqued by Tom Lessing VERNON GRAY In recent times there has been some controversy surrounding the origin of what the Bible calls the Nephilim. The verse in question here is...

Sanctification of the Heart 20

Healing Begins With Sanctification

“Healing Begins With Sanctification of the Heart” – A Biblical review by Tom Lessing Conference Controversies SANCTIFICATION – An incensed reader wrote a comment complaining that the author of “Neuroplasticity, A science falsely so-called” misrepresents Dr. Michelle Strydom and her teaching...

The Unforgivable Sin 23

What is the Unforgivable Sin?

What is the Unforgivable Sin? The thought of having committed the unforgivable sin has been placed on so many Christians and it’s a tremendous burden to carry. Especially those who attend these false Christian churches of today. They question the...

Maria Fraser – Blou Rokke 17

Blou Rokke – A Latter Rain Cult

Blou Rokke (Blou Rokkies) – The Latter Rain Mission of South Africa ORIGIN: The Blou Rokke religious cult had its beginnings in South Africa under the leadership of Maria Martha Fraser whom they call their founder. Their golden jubilee publication, Spade...

Its Time – Angus Buchan 48

Angus Buchan – It’s Time to Unite All Faiths under Rome

Angus Buchan – It’s Time to Unite All Faiths under Rome That’s right, “It’s Time”, time to unite all faiths in a National Day of Prayer in Bloemfontein under Rome.  The Vryheid Herald says:  “MEN and women of faith will...

Its Time – Angus Buchan 25

IT’S TIME – Transformation South Africa

IT’S TIME FOR “MY PEOPLE” – “MY PEOPLE?” Please note how Angus Buchan changed 2 Chronicles 7:14. Instead of quoting it correctly as “and will heal THEIR (THE JEWS) land (ISRAEL), he very subtly changed it to read as “and...

Callie Venter 10


PASTOOR CALLIE VENTER- WAAROM JESUS SE WEDERKOMS NOG NIE KAN PLAASVIND NIE To translate article to English, use Google Translate located on this website to the left of this article. INLEIDING Van al die uitsprake wat ek tot dusver uit...

Praying hands – need help – seeking deliverance 147

Seeking Salvation or Deliverance?

Need Help?  Are you seeking deliverance or are you just seeking salvation?  You have come to the right place! I am going to get right to the point regarding deliverance because I know you are desperate and need urgent help.  If...

Soaking with Sid Roth 19

Soaking – A Once Lost Art…

SOAKING – A ONCE LOST ART BUT NOW A NEWLY FOUND IDOL INTRODUCTION I usually do not mince words, especially when the subject has to do with man’s relationship with God and his eternal destiny. So, without any further ado,...

The Calvinist Shredder Jer 1_5 8

The Calvinist Shredder – Jeremiah 1:5

The Calvinist Shredder – Jeremiah 1:5 Jeremiah 1:5  – In this edition of my series of short articles which was sparked by a friend, Louis Matthys Ackermann, and who has since unfriended himself on my Facebook page because I am...