Category: Latter Rain Teaching / Dominionism / Kingdom Now

Rapture 41

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Part 1)

Introduction Many Christians argue that the doctrine of the Rapture is not important because it has very little or nothing to do with one’s salvation. This is not entirely true. Although belief or non-belief in the doctrine of the Rapture...

RealJesusFakeJesus 35

Are You Following the Real Jesus or a Counterfeit?

The Emergent Church’s main priority is to be followers of Jesus Christ. A young man with whom I have become acquainted via the internet and in particular his blog insisted that I should not call him a Christian but a follower of...

CrazyInLoveWithJesus 2

Crazy In Love With Jesus

The Mosaïek Church in Fairlands, Johannesburg and the Moreleta Park Dutch Reformed Church in Pretoria are rapidly becoming veritable lift-off pads for all kinds of strange fires to be unleashed on the unsuspecting South African ecclesiastics. In 2010, when they...

JesusChirstandHisPassoverandHisUnlimitedAtonemen 6

Jesus Christ Our Passover and His Unlimited Atonement – Proof that Limited Atonement is False.

Jesus Christ Our Passover and His Unlimited Atonement – Proof that Limited Atonement is False By Steven M. McCalip There are several articles on this website dealing with Calvinism’s corruption of the gospel, in particular, their teaching that Christ died...

AndrewStrom-Revivalschool 31

Andrew Strom and J Lee Grady – False Teachers waiting for the Spiritual Revival of the Roman Catholic Church

Andrew Strom and J Lee Grady – False Teachers waiting for the Spiritual Revival of the Roman Catholic Church Andrew Strom has tried desperately to play the role of the ‘good guy’.  But I have repeatedly shown him up for...

Global Antisemitism 2

How Close Is The World To Welcoming the Antichrist?

How Close Is The World To Welcoming the Antichrist? Christians should be acutely aware of the political chess game the European Union is playing to introduce to the world its false Messiah and Antichrist. To accomplish this they need to...

TheElders2 3

The Elders and the New World Order

Our Global Village The Elders is founded on the idea that we now live in a ‘global village’, an increasingly interconnected, interdependent world. We believe in listening to everyone, both critical and supportive, and encourage debate about the issues we...

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Contemplative Spirituality: The Throne of Satan

Contemplative Spirituality Contemplative Spirituality – The followers of the Emergent Jesus are completely enamored, captivated, bewitched, besotted, and smitten by hidden secrets, so much so that they are continually boasting that they have found this or that new hidden secret...

wolf-in-sheeps-clothing1_thumb 23

Love Covers All Transgressions

Hatred stirs up strifes; But love covers all transgressions. (Proverbs 10:12). Isn’t this a great verse to throw at anyone who dares to expose heretics and their false teachings? A dear sister of mine in the Lord with whom I...

Apostasy 1

The Intense Abhorrence of Apostasy

The Abhorrence of Apostasy One of the most amazing and awe-inspiring sections in the Bible is in Paul’s second letter to the Church in Thesslonica where he warns his brethren about the impending apostasy. “Let no one deceive or beguile...