Category: W

DelighfullyDivineWomansMinistries – New Age 92

Woman & Delightfully Deceptive New Age Ministries

There is a massive increase in Woman New Age ministries popping up all over South Africa under the disguise of Christianity. Delightfully Divine Woman Ministries run by Luzanne Nel and Melinda du Plessis is one of them. The name of...

AmazingDiscoveries 206


Urgent warning about Seventh Day Adventists (SDA) Evengelistic drive 2010 at the Mosaïek Theatre in Randburg from 10 November to 4 December 2010:  AMAZING DISCOVERIES 2010. The Seventh Day Adventist church currently has adverts on TV (SABC) and Radio (702) regarding...

Ivin Viljoen 66

Ivin Viljoen – The Fires of Hell Burn Bright

Ivin Viljoen – A False teacher teaching our youth in South Africa. I have been meaning to write an article about 220Generation ( and Ivin Viljoen for a while, but it’s been a difficult one only because reading his newsletters...

new-evangelicalism 56

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age I have been looking into Vatican II for a long time now wondering just how many of our well known pastors are Pope sympathisers.  Then the Emergent Movement exploded onto the scene,...

chuck missler 256

Dr. Chuck Missler, SWANsat and the Auric Currency

Dr. Chuck Missler, SWANsat and the Auric Currency I am writing this article because I do not think that Chuck Missler is being at all honest with us as to what he really believes and who he ‘works’ for.  For...

Mark Driscoll 11

Mark Driscoll DOES SUPPORT Contemplative Spirituality

From the “Lighthouse Newsletter”:   Mark Driscoll IS a Contemplative Proponent – December 21, 2009 Mark Driscoll is a name that has grown in popularity among evangelicals especially over the past few years. Somewhat known for his vulgar and crass language in public, he...

William Branham Tomb Stone 4

1 in 3 Democrats Communicate with the Dead

They Communicate with the Dead Oh wait they forgot to include Evangelists in their survey like Benny Hinn – He often goes to Kathryn Kuhlman’s grave to communicate with the dead in order to get power and Kobus van Rensburg from Spirit Word TV was filmed...

The Reasurgence 85

Mark Driscoll’s RESURGENCE and EMERGENCE with Catholicism

Well well Mark Driscoll, what do we have here… How to Practice Meditative Prayer Winfield Bevins   Acts 29 Pastor – Church of the Outer Banks In Hebrew thought, to meditate upon the Scriptures is to quietly repeat them, giving oneself...

Manhattan Declaration – 13

Manhattan Declaration – WARNING – Leads You Toward A New Religion

“PERHAPS MILLIONS” BEING LED TOWARD THE NEW AGE/NEW SPIRITUALITY  – December 4th, 2009 Thank you to LightHouseTrails for this SPECIAL REPORT [Pictures of Manhatten Declaration Logo and Chuck Colson added by DTW] We are seeking to build a movement –...

No Liberation from Resurrecting Liberation Theology 0

No Liberation from Resurrecting Liberation Theology

The feeling of cold chills that come over me when I read this, it’s just not one bit liberating. Resurrecting Liberation Theology – by Mark D. Tooley The 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s collapse ought to prompt leftist churchmen to apologize...