Category: W

Pastors/Teachers/Speakers beginning with Letter W

Andrew-Murray-The-Mystic 0


The Masonic Influences on Andrew Murray Paul warns us in Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove [rebuke, expose] them.” This is not a two-pronged command; the one cannot be separated from...

Andrew-Murray-The-Mystic 1


Mystic Secrecy Mysticism has its roots in the notion that God is wholly incomprehensible. For William Law and mystics in general the universe is “wrapped in the impenetrable mystery of a God who is so infinitely greater than man, that,...

Andrew-Murray-The-Mystic 1


Andrew Murray’s mysticism Perhaps the following facts about Andrew Murray’s mysticism are not so widely known as the many books he had written. Nonetheless, as you may see, it mirrors universal mysticism to its core. Murray’s books resonated so well...

die nuwe nuwe testament 1


“Vader, mag mense met die grootste respek van U praat en U so eer,” Stephan Joubert het op 1 Mei 2022 sy en Jan van der Watt se “Die NUWE Nuwe Testament”  aan die wêreld bekend gestel toe hy in een...

AA Alcoholics Anonymous One-day-at-a-time 4

AA – One Day at a Time – Pure Demonism

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) – One Day at a Time – The requirements for sweet fellowship with God in his holy presence God solemnly warns, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not...

Andrew Murray 29

Andrew Murray – Masonic Charismatic Calvinist

Many people view Andrew Murray as a great preacher, a godly man, while others believe there is something not quite right about him.  I have spent many a month investigating Freemasonry with regards to pastors in churches in South Africa....

Mystery Babylon - A Strong Delusion 10

Mystery Babylon is Surely a Strong Delusion

Mystery Babylon: Paganized Christianity – the equalizing of Jesus Christ and Satan making them one and the same, and the turning man into a god – for this is surely a strong delusion. Thanks to the movie industry, the music...

Towery 9

Stephan Joubert se Deurlees van die Boek Openbaring in Koronatyd Herbesoek – Deel 1

Inleiding Dit is opvallend hoe die boek Openbaring ’n oplewing ervaar in die gesprekke, onderhoude en preke van ons land se mees vooraanstaande geestelike leiers. Twee name wat onmiddellik die aandag trek, is Stephan Joubert en Riekert Botha. Korona Virus...

Novus Ordo Seclorum - Global Peace and Unity 1

Paving the Way for Antichrist’s Global Peace and Unity – Part 1

Please follow these links to the rest of this series. Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5 Introduction Global Peace and Unity – Important notice: It is imperative that our readers read the end notes because much of the...

Split in the Church - They are still all goats 16

Split between NAR and Charismatic Movement

A recent devilishly designed split between Charismatics / Pentecostalism and NAR has taken place. Pay attention my friends. As of the last few months a split / shift has taken place where Charismatics are denying having anything to do with...