Category: T

The Reasurgence 85

Mark Driscoll’s RESURGENCE and EMERGENCE with Catholicism

Well well Mark Driscoll, what do we have here… How to Practice Meditative Prayer Winfield Bevins   Acts 29 Pastor – Church of the Outer Banks In Hebrew thought, to meditate upon the Scriptures is to quietly repeat them, giving oneself...

Manhattan Declaration – 13

Manhattan Declaration – WARNING – Leads You Toward A New Religion

“PERHAPS MILLIONS” BEING LED TOWARD THE NEW AGE/NEW SPIRITUALITY  – December 4th, 2009 Thank you to LightHouseTrails for this SPECIAL REPORT [Pictures of Manhatten Declaration Logo and Chuck Colson added by DTW] We are seeking to build a movement –...

Caleb Brundidge – 2

Ekstasis Worship – Moving Beyond Oneself

Ekstasis Worship – GO BEYOND YOUR MIND WITH CLUB MYSTERIO This is an old article (Caleb and Patrica King’s Club Mysterio Raves), that I had posted on my 1st blog and I was not going to re-post it on my new...

Uganda – Africa Map 7

Uganda’s New Apostolic Reformation Transformation Disaster

What in Africa is going on here? The Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 [NEWS FLASH!!  Updated 3 Dec 2009 with some seriously scary info] We have people called “The Family” also known as “The Fellowship” We have Don Schmierer of Exodus International...

Brian McLaren 17

Brian McLaren Thinks Again! On Stuff…

If Brian has any clue as to what real Christianity meant he would not even have written his article below (see heading below).  But because we know he battles with concepts such as SIN and REPENTANCE OF SIN we will...

Transformaton Africa 6

Graham Power & Angus Buchan – The Transformation of Africa

REVIVAL / TRANSFORMATION AFRICA This is an article that I had posted in June 2008.  I am reposting it, because it’s important to know what’s going on for those who don’t know.  I have updated it with some extra information (DTW...

PharseeCard 20

Playing the Pharisee Card

Todd Wilken:  Playing the Pharisee Card Issues, Etc.â„¢ I have been called a Pharisee more times than I can remember. It goes with the territory. I host a conservative Christian radio talk show. I publicly defend the teachings and practices...

CharismaMagazineLogo 10

We Do Not Play ‘Sloshed in the Spirit’ Anymore

← the New Apostolic Reformation / Latter Rain / Manifest Sons of God (slowly but surely merging with the Emergent Church)  Magazine When all these intoxications, slain in the spirit, convulsing, laying paralysed on the floor for hours, laughing, fire being called...

MMC2009 – 37

Angus Buchan and the Promise Keepers

Promise Keepers – “God is looking for men, and for women, for boys and girls, that will change the world!   THE WORLD!   Waiting!   All creation is waiting with expectation, on tip toes, FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD!   ...

Man Listening 9

A Listener’s Guide to the Pulpit

A Listener’s Guide to the Pulpit An Article from Issues Etc. Journal by Todd Wilken How hard could it be? You go to church. The preacher preaches. You sit and listen. Easy, right? But how do you tell the difference...