Category: S

Soaking with Sid Roth 19

Soaking – A Once Lost Art…

SOAKING – A ONCE LOST ART BUT NOW A NEWLY FOUND IDOL INTRODUCTION I usually do not mince words, especially when the subject has to do with man’s relationship with God and his eternal destiny. So, without any further ado,...

Christian Buddhism 7

Double Belonging / Christian Buddhism

Double Belonging or Christian Buddhism One of the most dangerous and skewed peculiarities of the Emergent Church is its mistaken view of suffering. Though they may disagree with this statement and argue that their understanding of suffering is firmly based on...

Spiritual Parrots 0

Spiritual Parrots

Spiritual Parrots The Emergent Church is swamped with spiritual parrots. None of them have the originality to say something innovative. 1 John 4:5-6: Amplified Bible (AMP) 5 They [who teach twisted doctrine] are of the world and belong to it; therefore they speak...

Keep it short like The Cat in the Hat Seuss 3

Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat

Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss Stephan Joubert pulled another rabbit from his hat when he advised the readers of his site to  “Hou dit Kort”  (Keep it Short). To illustrate he refers to Dr...

Sweeping Truth under the carpet 3

How to Sweep the Truth under the Carpet the Stephan Joubert Way

Sweeping the Truth Under the Carpet For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and make it inoperative. (Romans 1:18) Many Christians the...

Craig Hill 6

The Key to Abundant Blessings?

The Key to God’s Blessings When Jude, the brother of Jesus, resolved to write to his brethren in regard to their common salvation, he felt compelled to urgently appeal to and exhort them to contend for the faith which was...

Lesslie Newbigin 1

Incarnational Spirituality

WHAT IS INCARNATIONAL SPIRITUALITY? Lesslie Newbigin offers one of the best definitions of incarnational spirituality. The following is an excerpt from “Assessing Missional Orientation: Observing Biblical Community, Incarnational Service, Bold and Humble Witness, and Reproduction of Disciples in The Light...

Guilt by Association 5

Guilt by Association

Many well-known and greatly esteemed preachers and teachers have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about their association with some of the weirdest, worst, and most dangerous false prophets in these last days’ of exponential apostasy. Here are a few well-documented examples....