Category: S

Corrie tern Boom 30

The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#1)

The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card #1 The anti-Pretribulation cohorts, including Jacob Prasch, John Haller, Joe Schimmel and Scott Pruitt, to mention but a few, are fond of using Corrie ten Boom as an example to corroborate their views on...

The Rapture – 4 Gospels – A Mysetery 5

Churchy Titbits – The Rapture is never mentioned anywhere in the Four Gospels

Rapture not mentioned in the 4 Gospels – Scott Pruitt, one of the most “knowledgeable” anti-Pretribulation gurus on the planet whose blog NOPRETRIB is read far and wide by friend and foe, wrote the following groundbreaking titbit in response to a...

The Rapture and the Truth 62

The Rapture and the Truth

The Rapture – Christians are exhorted to read and interpret biblical passages in their proper context and to avoid eisegetical interpretations of Scripture in favour of exegetical ones. Of course, all these tools are essential for an accurate understanding of...

Brian-McLaren 1

Amahoro Conference (a.k.a. Ama-horror Conference) – 2009

Amahoro Conference (a.k.a. Ama-horror Conference) – 2009:  The Restoration of All Things This Amahoro Conference article was first posted on the blog “Waak en Bid/Watch and Pray,” 18th June 2009. Jesus, would you mind stepping aside and leave us to our...

Global Leadership Summit 2017 1

Global Leadership Summit: Mega Synergy Energy Display (6-7 Oct 2017)

The Wikipedia Chosen Ones The Global Leadership Summit at the Mosaïek Teatro (6-7 Oct 2017) in Randburg, South Africa – I have often wondered how Jesus would have chosen his disciples had He lived on our sinful little planet in...

twee-gat jakkals 0

Stephan Joubert se Twee-Gat Jakkals Manewales

Twee-Gat Jakkals Wanneer Stephan Joubert soos ‘n wafferse Pous Ex Cathreda spreek, moet almal doen wat hy sê. As hy sê jy moet opstaan vir die waarheid en God se wil, dan moet jy dit onvoorwaardelik doen, en wanneer hy vir jou sê...

Johan Geyser – aanvaar 5


Leuens kom hoofsaaklik in mooi geskenkies toegedraai. Sommige van hulle is selfs oordek met die beste Bybel leeromslag en is met potsierlike strikkies toegedraai, net om jou ingebore behoefte na aanvaarding te troetel. Paulus praat daarvan in Galasiërs 4. Die...

The Shack Book / Movie 4

THE SHACK – William Paul Young (Part 1)

INTRODUCTION Why are so many people who claim to be Christians so gullible and so much in awe of the movie The Shack? Are they real Christians who are easily led astray by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14) or...

Simon Magus 18

Simon Magus and the Apostle Simon Peter

Simon Magus and the Apostle Simon Peter Simon the Sorcerer or Simon the Magician, in Latin Simon Magus, is a religious figure whose confrontation with Peter is recorded in Acts 8:9-24. According to Acts, Simon was a Samaritan Magus or religious figure of the...

the-mandorla-gods-of-the-nwo 10

The Mandorla Gods of the New World Order

I attended a “Learning Experience” entitled “Summoned2Serve” presented by Leonard Sweet, Stephan Joubert, and Lindie Strydom (presenter of “Geloof, Hoop en Liefde” on KYKNET TV) in the Kerksondermure Auditorium in Pretoria on 1 October 2016. Among other things, Leonard Sweet spoke...