Category: Richard Foster


Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 4

The New Israel: Who is Behind the Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 4)

The New Israel: From the Frying Pan into Strange Fire? Several churches have experienced major exoduses in these last few decades. One of the more recent ones to have taken place in South Africa was when thousands upon thousands left...

Towery 9

Stephan Joubert se Deurlees van die Boek Openbaring in Koronatyd Herbesoek – Deel 1

Inleiding Dit is opvallend hoe die boek Openbaring ’n oplewing ervaar in die gesprekke, onderhoude en preke van ons land se mees vooraanstaande geestelike leiers. Twee name wat onmiddellik die aandag trek, is Stephan Joubert en Riekert Botha. Korona Virus...

Johan Geyser Philemon – universal brotherhood 0

A Universal Brotherhood of Jesus-Followers

A Universal Brotherhood of Jesus-Followers:  Leading the Masses to Their Second Death Who could have imagined or contemplated that a Bible Book, consisting of only 25 verses, could be used to promote a universal brotherhood of loving, reconciled elitist masters...

Mosaïek Teatro – Place of Silence 0

Mosaïek Teatro and it’s Angel of Light

Mosaïek Teatro: The Angel of Light Obstinately at His Very Best Having watched many videos of the Mosaïek Teatro’s sermons, it seems to me that Trevor Hudson is the only one who is frequently applauded for his messages, or could...

Angel of Light 8

Hearing God’s Voice: The Angel of Light At His Very Best

Trevor Hudson and His Angel of Light at his Very Best Angel of Light at his Very Best – Have you ever attended a church service where the worshipers were so much in awe of the pastor’s sermon that they applauded...

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The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness without Steroids”

The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness” Adherents to the Emergent Church have an uncanny ability to tell their congregates what to do without explaining to them what they really have in mind. They have the knack to use biblical terminology very...

John MacArthur – Dallas Willard 6

John MacArthur and Dallas Willard – Two Contemplating Calvinists

Lighthouse trails published the below article pointing out that John MacArthur favorably quotes Dallas Willard a Contemplative Spiritualist.  It is important to note that Dallas Willad was a Southern Baptist and his theology was Calvinistic.  He says, “If you were...

BethMooreJohnPiper 24

Beth Moore, John Piper leads the Youth into Lectio Divina at Louie Giglio Passion’s Conference 2012

I said it before here: Louie Giglio – A Baptist with an Emerging Agenda and here: Louie Giglio – Sometimes Silence is Loud and here: Louie Giglio – Chasing The Experience (Part 1) that Louie Giglio was silently practicing Contemplative...

religions 51

Vatican II and The New Evangelization World Wide Take Over

Mark Driscoll 11

Mark Driscoll DOES SUPPORT Contemplative Spirituality

From the “Lighthouse Newsletter”:   Mark Driscoll IS a Contemplative Proponent – December 21, 2009 Mark Driscoll is a name that has grown in popularity among evangelicals especially over the past few years. Somewhat known for his vulgar and crass language in public, he...