Category: R

John Maxwell 10

John Maxwell – What Does He Believe and Teach?

Comment sent in by Robbie who just watched a video produced by John Maxwell. His laws, qualities and principles are used in churches and in the corporate world. John Maxwell (born 1947) is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books,...

Jacques Bornman 7

The Battle for the Mind

The most ferocious wars throughout the centuries were not the ones fought on the bloody battlefields of the world. The most potent wars take place in the mind of every single human being, every single day. The battle cry of...

Mosaïek Teatro – Place of Silence 0

Mosaïek Teatro and it’s Angel of Light

Mosaïek Teatro: The Angel of Light Obstinately at His Very Best Having watched many videos of the Mosaïek Teatro’s sermons, it seems to me that Trevor Hudson is the only one who is frequently applauded for his messages, or could...

Angel of Light 8

Hearing God’s Voice: The Angel of Light At His Very Best

Trevor Hudson and His Angel of Light at his Very Best Angel of Light at his Very Best – Have you ever attended a church service where the worshipers were so much in awe of the pastor’s sermon that they applauded...

Brian-McLaren 1

Amahoro Conference (a.k.a. Ama-horror Conference) – 2009

Amahoro Conference (a.k.a. Ama-horror Conference) – 2009:  The Restoration of All Things This Amahoro Conference article was first posted on the blog “Waak en Bid/Watch and Pray,” 18th June 2009. Jesus, would you mind stepping aside and leave us to our...

Global Leadership Summit 2017 1

Global Leadership Summit: Mega Synergy Energy Display (6-7 Oct 2017)

The Wikipedia Chosen Ones The Global Leadership Summit at the Mosaïek Teatro (6-7 Oct 2017) in Randburg, South Africa – I have often wondered how Jesus would have chosen his disciples had He lived on our sinful little planet in...

Rhema Bible Church – Hands of Compassion logo 8

Rhema Bible Church – Hands of Compassion, Curses you!

I was sent an email by someone who showed me something rather shocking regarding Rhema Bible Church’s Hands of Compassion. She said:  “I was looking at drug rehab centers and came across Rhema Bible Church’s Hands of Compassion website, a...

twee-gat jakkals 0

Stephan Joubert se Twee-Gat Jakkals Manewales

Twee-Gat Jakkals Wanneer Stephan Joubert soos ‘n wafferse Pous Ex Cathreda spreek, moet almal doen wat hy sê. As hy sê jy moet opstaan vir die waarheid en God se wil, dan moet jy dit onvoorwaardelik doen, en wanneer hy vir jou sê...

The Shack Book / Movie 10

THE SHACK – William Paul Young (Part 2)

THE SHACK – THE SUFFERING THEME If you haven’t read “THE SHACK – William Paul Young (Part 1)” please do so here. No other person on earth suffered as much as Jesus Christ when He was on earth. Are you going...

Angus Buchan – Family Day 3

Angus Buchan’s Family Day Shares RCC Conviction

Angus Buchan will be holding a “Family Day” aimed at uniting churches. The Roodepoort Northsides says: “Family Day aimed at uniting churches Famous evangelist Angus Buchan plans to unite churches at his upcoming big event. Places of worship across Joburg...