Category: M

DionForster 31

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video Dion Forster follower of the Cosmic Christ, Ecumenical Methodist Minister and avid cyclist, had this to say about the Turn2God gathering that took place on the 6th March 2010 at the Union Building...

John MacArthur 259

John MacArthur – Transformation of Grace Community Church

This information has been painstakingly put together by Bob Johnson over a period of several years.  It’s shocking and I believe it’s the truth. Bob has been attacked by John MacArthur and Phil Johnson who have tried to discredit him, but...

chuck missler 256

Dr. Chuck Missler, SWANsat and the Auric Currency

Dr. Chuck Missler, SWANsat and the Auric Currency I am writing this article because I do not think that Chuck Missler is being at all honest with us as to what he really believes and who he ‘works’ for.  For...

louie giglio 64

Passion Conference – Louie Giglio and his Emerging Agenda

Passion Conference – Louie Giglio and his Emerging Agenda Apparently to Louie Giglio digging wells is more important than preaching the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Now I know, y’all are gonna come here and give me grief;  about how...

IHOP KC Healing Ministry – 22

IHOP – Contemplative Prayer Taught at Healing Rooms

IHOP’S ROAD LEADS RIGHT BACK TO ROME General Healing Rooms “No pre-registration is required for the general healing rooms. Upon arrival, simply sign up with the receptionist at the front desk. You will then be led into the prayer room for a...

Mike Bickle – IHOP 27

Mike Bickle – Everybody is Called to Live in The Contemplative Lifestyle

Who is Mike Bickle Mike Bickle is the director of the International House of Prayer Missions Base in Kansas City (IHOP-KC), an evangelical missions organization based on 24/7 prayer with worship that is engaged in evangelism, healing the sick, inner...

Mark Driscoll 11

Mark Driscoll DOES SUPPORT Contemplative Spirituality

From the “Lighthouse Newsletter”:   Mark Driscoll IS a Contemplative Proponent – December 21, 2009 Mark Driscoll is a name that has grown in popularity among evangelicals especially over the past few years. Somewhat known for his vulgar and crass language in public, he...

The Reasurgence 85

Mark Driscoll’s RESURGENCE and EMERGENCE with Catholicism

Well well Mark Driscoll, what do we have here… How to Practice Meditative Prayer Winfield Bevins   Acts 29 Pastor – Church of the Outer Banks In Hebrew thought, to meditate upon the Scriptures is to quietly repeat them, giving oneself...

Manhattan Declaration – 13

Manhattan Declaration – WARNING – Leads You Toward A New Religion

“PERHAPS MILLIONS” BEING LED TOWARD THE NEW AGE/NEW SPIRITUALITY  – December 4th, 2009 Thank you to LightHouseTrails for this SPECIAL REPORT [Pictures of Manhatten Declaration Logo and Chuck Colson added by DTW] We are seeking to build a movement –...