Category: M

JohnCalvin-Murderer 50

Calvinists Justify the Known Murderer, John Calvin.

Known Murderer, John Calvin Incarcerated criminals who’d received lifelong prison sentences often use foolhardy lackeys to do their dirty work for them. Many crimes are committed by proxy, exonerating the mafia masterminds in jail of some of the most heinous...

Augustine & Calvin’s Roman Catholic Connection 40

Augustine & Calvin’s Roman Catholic Connection

Calvinism, it’s Roman Catholic Connection by Hunt, Dave THERE IS NO QUESTION that Calvin imposed upon the Bible certain erroneous interpretations from his Roman Catholic background. Many leading Calvinists agree that the writings of Augustine were the actual source of most of...

CTMI-logo 21

Church Team Ministries International (CTMI) – Preaches like a Cult, Acts like a Cult, Must be a Cult

JohnMacArthur-JacobPrasch-Wolf 106

Jacob Prasch – Moderate Calvinists are Good, Hyper Calvinists are Bad.

One of Satan’s greatest lies is to try and convince you that there are different types of Calvinists, that being the moderate Calvinist and then the hyper Calvinist.  It is a load of nonsense.  All Calvinists are Calvinists who follow...

FourHorsemen 178

Not Wrath, but Rapture – Will the Church Participate in the Great Tribulation?

There is an onslaught by Satan on snatching believers away from The Blessed Hope.  This onslaught is so intense that hardly anyone believes in a pre-tribulation rapture anymore, and if you do believe that Jesus would dare come and fetch...

Sanrail-TollingBooths 16

Let the Truth be Tolled – South African Sanral Highway and other Highways around the World

And you thought we were the only country in the world with someone trying to Toll our highways.  Nope siree.  Texas in the Us of A is having the exact and I mean the exact same problem. For those who...

MiriamFranklin-ETPW 132

Miriam Franklin – End Times Prophetic Words ‘Prophetess’ a Fraud? [UPDATED]

I was hit with the news that Miriam Franklin from the website, has been sued for multiple counts of fraud. I hope Miriam Franklin is NOT Guilty of these crimes.   NEWS UPDATE – It has been proved without a...

Rick Warren 9

The Kuyper Calvinism of Rick Warren

The Calvinism of Rick Warren by Brenda Nickel Friday, 25 November 2011 – Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Community Church in Lake Forest, California often finds himself at the center of controversy for joining hands with those of questionable...

TBJoshua-Exposed 47

T.B. Joshua’s Evil Doings Finally Exposed!

T.B. Joshua’s Evil Doings Finally Exposed!  Clueless in Nigeria? by Mike Oppenheimer – Let Us Reason Ministries Christian America has been saturated with miracles, by the TV, books and crusades. But it has have not changed our country. We have...