Category: L

WalkThePlank – False teachers 44

False Teachers – What do you do when?

Most people trapped in blatant false teaching manage to escape their captors evil clutches and then run off seeking truth in the direction of men, other men who preach false teaching but are not so blatant. What do you do when...

new-evangelicalism 56

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age I have been looking into Vatican II for a long time now wondering just how many of our well known pastors are Pope sympathisers.  Then the Emergent Movement exploded onto the scene,...

John MacArthur 259

John MacArthur – Transformation of Grace Community Church

This information has been painstakingly put together by Bob Johnson over a period of several years.  It’s shocking and I believe it’s the truth. Bob has been attacked by John MacArthur and Phil Johnson who have tried to discredit him, but...

Turn2God – 144

Turn2God at the Union Buildings was…

Elza Meyer had a vision from God one morning to host Turn2God. They expected 40,000 people to show up and pay +/- R100 for seats.  (These things are no longer for free).   But instead her god only managed to get 15,000...

LeeGrady 13

Lee Grady – Take the Holy Ghost out that box He is stuck in

louie giglio 21

Louie Giglio – Chasing The Experience

Louie Giglio – Chasing The Experience A while ago I went to watch Ron Martoia an Emergent “Transformational Architecture Specialist” at a Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa.  The title of the seminar was the ‘Vertical Development and a Spirituality of...

louie giglio 64

Passion Conference – Louie Giglio and his Emerging Agenda

Passion Conference – Louie Giglio and his Emerging Agenda Apparently to Louie Giglio digging wells is more important than preaching the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Now I know, y’all are gonna come here and give me grief;  about how...

FIFA Free Education – © – Fairuse Copyright, please credit and link to if you use this image. 1

FIFA says Free Education for Africa – What does the fine print say?

As I sat watching the FIFA 2010 draw take place last week.  The President of FIFA Sepp Blatter said they had a big surprise for the world.  The 2010 FIFA soccer world cup would be used in a political way for the...

Manhattan Declaration – 13

Manhattan Declaration – WARNING – Leads You Toward A New Religion

“PERHAPS MILLIONS” BEING LED TOWARD THE NEW AGE/NEW SPIRITUALITY  – December 4th, 2009 Thank you to LightHouseTrails for this SPECIAL REPORT [Pictures of Manhatten Declaration Logo and Chuck Colson added by DTW] We are seeking to build a movement –...