Category: K

Uganda – Africa Map 7

Uganda’s New Apostolic Reformation Transformation Disaster

What in Africa is going on here? The Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 [NEWS FLASH!!  Updated 3 Dec 2009 with some seriously scary info] We have people called “The Family” also known as “The Fellowship” We have Don Schmierer of Exodus International...

KobusvanRensburgChurchCollage 74

Kobus van Rensburg is Building a Little Empire

Kobus van Rensburg is building himself a little empire – WAS THIS FUNDED BY MINISTRY MONEY? I BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR IT WAS!   Body Active | Gym Keep yourself in shape. Have a great body and feel good about yourself...

CharismaMagazineLogo 10

We Do Not Play ‘Sloshed in the Spirit’ Anymore

← the New Apostolic Reformation / Latter Rain / Manifest Sons of God (slowly but surely merging with the Emergent Church)  Magazine When all these intoxications, slain in the spirit, convulsing, laying paralysed on the floor for hours, laughing, fire being called...

MMC2009 – 37

Angus Buchan and the Promise Keepers

Promise Keepers – “God is looking for men, and for women, for boys and girls, that will change the world!   THE WORLD!   Waiting!   All creation is waiting with expectation, on tip toes, FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD!   ...

kim Clement 25

Kim Clement – “Obama is God’s Man”

I have not been following the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) bandits for a while now, because the Emergent movement took front stage in South Africa and I needed to focus on that.   But I thought it was time to go back and peek...

Kobus Van Rensburg-Man in Gods Image – 429

What a Tragedy ‘Prophet’ Kobus van Rensburg

Please go here to read more about Kobus van Rensburg:  [NEWS UPDATE – Kobus van Rensburg claims God healed him, and is telling all his followers this.  It has come to my attention that Kobus van Rensburg is in remission, BUT he...

BIG SPENDERS: Ray McCauley and wife Zelda Picture: SEFAKO MABUYA – © 2009 AVUSA, Inc. 46

Help Bail Ray McCauley out of Debt!

Right now I wish it was the 1st of April because Ray McCauley is in serious financial debt and you can help him out, no really, you can help him out and send him your cash. But we have decided that instead...

Emerging Africa roman catholicism 73

‘Everything Must Change’ Back to Roman Catholicism

There is a conversation going on at the Emerging Africa website under the post Christian Piracy regarding my defence for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and my ongoing never to end ‘good fight’ for the TRUTH.  I made a comment there which was supposed to...

IntegralLife – – Integral Spirituality Experience 0

Integral Spiritual Experience come New Years Eve 2009

Global Spirituality Event and Ken Wilber (The Author Rob Bell Loves!) So how does a supposed Christian minister of the Gospel [Rob Bell] end up promoting someone [Ken Wilbur] teaching doctrines of demons? (All spiritual paths lead to your highest...

Word of Faith Latter Rain 10

The Gnostic Roots of the Latter Rain/Word of Faith Movement

Why Latter Rain (Word of Faith), and Dominion Theology is a Lie The latter rain movement as it has come to be called actually began in 1948 from a Pentecostal Assemblies of God revival in a ministry school in Saskatchewan...