Category: K

DionForster 31

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video Dion Forster follower of the Cosmic Christ, Ecumenical Methodist Minister and avid cyclist, had this to say about the Turn2God gathering that took place on the 6th March 2010 at the Union Building...

John MacArthur 259

John MacArthur – Transformation of Grace Community Church

This information has been painstakingly put together by Bob Johnson over a period of several years.  It’s shocking and I believe it’s the truth. Bob has been attacked by John MacArthur and Phil Johnson who have tried to discredit him, but...

Kathryn Kuhlman 59

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer

Kathryn Kuhlman – The Interfaith Faith Healer Angus Buchan loves to mention Smith Wigglesworth as a great man of god but lately he is mentioning Kathryn Kuhlman quite a bit.  I thought I would just give a brief history of this diabolical woman.   Please...

Warning-Witchcraft Ahead 61

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away If only people would just read the Word of God when it comes to the warning signs of spotting false teachers.  I just hope that springbok Ruben Kruger saw the truth of...

IHOP KC Healing Ministry – 22

IHOP – Contemplative Prayer Taught at Healing Rooms

IHOP’S ROAD LEADS RIGHT BACK TO ROME General Healing Rooms “No pre-registration is required for the general healing rooms. Upon arrival, simply sign up with the receptionist at the front desk. You will then be led into the prayer room for a...

Mike Bickle – IHOP 27

Mike Bickle – Everybody is Called to Live in The Contemplative Lifestyle

Who is Mike Bickle Mike Bickle is the director of the International House of Prayer Missions Base in Kansas City (IHOP-KC), an evangelical missions organization based on 24/7 prayer with worship that is engaged in evangelism, healing the sick, inner...

Charismatic-SpeakinginTonguesCartoon 50

Kansas City Awakens to Revival at IHOP – RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

FAKE HOLY SPIRIT ATTEMPTS TO MISLEAD MILLIONS AND WILL PROBABLY GET AWAY WITH IT TOO. Awakening Sweeps over Int’l House of Prayer Paul Strand –  Tuesday, December 22, 2009 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Over the last decade the International House...

William Branham Tomb Stone 4

1 in 3 Democrats Communicate with the Dead

They Communicate with the Dead Oh wait they forgot to include Evangelists in their survey like Benny Hinn – He often goes to Kathryn Kuhlman’s grave to communicate with the dead in order to get power and Kobus van Rensburg from Spirit Word TV was filmed...

FIFA Free Education – © – Fairuse Copyright, please credit and link to if you use this image. 1

FIFA says Free Education for Africa – What does the fine print say?

As I sat watching the FIFA 2010 draw take place last week.  The President of FIFA Sepp Blatter said they had a big surprise for the world.  The 2010 FIFA soccer world cup would be used in a political way for the...

Manhattan Declaration – 13

Manhattan Declaration – WARNING – Leads You Toward A New Religion

“PERHAPS MILLIONS” BEING LED TOWARD THE NEW AGE/NEW SPIRITUALITY  – December 4th, 2009 Thank you to LightHouseTrails for this SPECIAL REPORT [Pictures of Manhatten Declaration Logo and Chuck Colson added by DTW] We are seeking to build a movement –...