Category: K

Owl Jewellery 10

Owls – From Bohemian Grove to Jewellery Stores

Owls – From Bohemian Grove to Jewellery Stores near you… When shopping for costume jewelry there are a couple of stores that I go too to buy stunning jewelry.  For almost 2 years I’ve noticed that the jewelry from one...

rent veil 0

Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top

Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top. What do you think the result would be if we were to do a survey asking people the question: “If you were able to bring about the most important and revolutionary...

Blame your sins on the devil – God TV 5

God TV – Let’s Just Blame All Our Sins On The Devil

GOD TV – Lets just blame the devil for our sins and continue to support him as an angel of light. Adam’s accusation, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and...

lady gaga moab 1

Lady Gaga – Is She Preparing Israel for Antichrist?

Lady Gaga, Israel and the Antichrist! In reference to the Jews’ readiness to receive Antichrist rather than Him, the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, made this startling statement:- This particular prophecy became more evident recently when one of Satan’s servants received a...

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Who Is More Prone to False Teaching – a Black or a White man?

Is a black man or a white man more prone to false teaching? It is often said that black people are more predisposed to false teaching because their culture is steeped in wizardry, shamanism, sorcery and witchcraft. Can it be...

TBJoshua-SignBoards 16

T.B. Joshua – Could not Prophesy Collapsed Building

T.B. Joshua – Could not Prophesy the Collapse of his Own Building T.B. Joshua can predict anything from earthquakes to soccer game scores, but some how missing this one, the collapse of a building in his SCOAN compound killing over 84...

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Emergent Mysticism (5)

Emergent Mysticism: A biblical appraisal of the Mosaic Church Congress –  Johannesburg (4-5 Sept. 2009) – Part 5  Session 3: Being a radical pilgrim and prophet – Stephan Joubert (Continued) To summarize what Stephan Joubert has said so far the...

Chorazin 0

Johan Geyser and The “Mosaiek” Seat of Moses

Johan Geyser and The “Mosaiek” Seat of Moses In 1926 a unique stone seat was found near the southern wall of the Chorazin synagogue. Since then it has been called the “Chair of Moses.” The Chair of Moses is a special...

Kobus van Rensburg – superman 17

Kobus van Rensburg – Attempt to Raise Superman from the Dead

Kobus van Rensburg should have practiced what he preached. The pastor and church go wild as they scream prayers, speak life and command God to bring Kobus ‘superman’ van Rensburg back down to earth from heaven.  Unfortunately the false gospel...

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Kobus van Rensburg – Buried instead of Risen

‘Prophet’ fails to rise from the dead December 28 2013 at 11:43am – THE STAR  – File photo: Ihsaan Haffejee North West – Stilfontein ‘prophet’ Kobus van Rensburg has failed to rise from the dead, despite his followers’ fervent hopes he would,...