Category: Julian Muller


What’s your story – Narrative Therapy 0

“Narrative Therapy” The Beautiful Deception of Storytelling

Introduction: Tell Me Your Story. “Narrative Therapy” – Besides the various mystical practices churches, in general, have latched onto in the past few decades, several psychological techniques and procedures have taken the church by storm, claiming that it can help...

Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism – Fundamentalist 4

The Fundamentalist Tag

The Fundamentalist Tag – Introduction The easiest way to win an argument or to get an audience on your side is to use the “fundamentalist tag” on someone who disagrees with you, especially in the realm of religion. Like the...

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Hoe Om Mense Met Liefde Hel toe te Stuur

(English translation below.) Inleiding Toe Jesus vir Petrus vra: “Het jy my lief, meer as hulle hier?” het Hy na regte vir Petrus geleer wat ware liefde is en hoe om dit van ‘n valse en helse soort liefde te...