Help Bail Ray McCauley out of Debt!
Right now I wish it was the 1st of April because Ray McCauley is in serious financial debt and you can help him out, no really, you can help him out and send him your cash. But we have decided that instead...
Family / Marriage / Abuse / Abortion / Tithing / Wealth / Prosperity / Joel & Victoria Osteen / John Bevere / Joseph Prince / Joyce Meyer / Israel Houghton / Kenneth Copeland / Kenneth Hagin / Morris Cerullo / Ray McCauley / T.D. Jakes
by Research Authors (Discerning the World)
by Research Authors (Discerning the World) · Published 28 October, 2009 · Last modified 8 December, 2014
Right now I wish it was the 1st of April because Ray McCauley is in serious financial debt and you can help him out, no really, you can help him out and send him your cash. But we have decided that instead...
Religions/Faiths/Movements / Emerging Church Movement / New World Order / Occultism / Pentecostalism / Purpose Driven Life Movement / Universalism / Universalist Movement / Business Industry / Education / Family / Marriage / Abuse / Abortion / Holy Spirit Fire / Slain in the Spirit / Psychiatry / Psychology / Sin/Repentance / Spiritual Warfare / Wealth / Prosperity / At Boshoff / Jacob Zuma / Jentezen Franklin / JoAnne McFatter / Joel & Victoria Osteen / John Bevere / Joseph Prince / Brian and Bobby Houston / C. Peter Wagner / Chuck Pierce / Cindy-Cruise Ratcliff / Dom Phillips / Lou Engle / Mosa Sono / Patricia King / Ray McCauley / Rick Joyner / Todd Bentley / William Branham
by Deborah (Discerning the World)
by Deborah (Discerning the World) · Published 20 October, 2009 · Last modified 29 January, 2016
The time for only 2 DAYS OF HOPE draws nigh… Updated 20th October 2009 (See notes at end of article) Oh the invasion continues. Joel ‘stop taking to God’ Osteen and a pack of friends are gracing us with their...