Category: Jacob Prasch


Corrie ten Boom-The Rapture 22

The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#6)

Some Reasons the Enemies of a Pre-tribulation Rapture Offer 1) The Saints Need to be on Earth During the Tribulation to Identify Antichrist  This view probably has its origin in the assumption that only saints will have the wisdom to...

Corrie ten Boom-The Rapture 0

The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#5)

The Parable of the Sower: Can We Apply it to Jacob Prasch’s Pre-Wrath Rapture? The demarcation between followers of Christ Jesus and of Antichrist will be much sharper and more distinct during the seven-year tribulation than what we are presently...

CorrietenBoom-TheRapture-Part4 0

The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#4)

The Day of the Lord According to Prach’s timeline of the Day of the Lord, God’s wrath begins with the seventh seal and continues throughout the seven trumpets and seven bowls judgments, plus the 30 days reclamation period of Daniel 12:11. It...

Corrie ten Boom-The Rapture-Part3 1

The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#3)

The Corrie ten Boom trump card is a dismal failure I find it extremely distasteful when the anti-Pretribulation devotees use frail mortal beings to defend their hopelessly failing and ailing war on the Pretribulation Rapture. Corrie ten Boom is not,...

Corrie tern Boom 30

The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#1)

The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card #1 The anti-Pretribulation cohorts, including Jacob Prasch, John Haller, Joe Schimmel and Scott Pruitt, to mention but a few, are fond of using Corrie ten Boom as an example to corroborate their views on...

Who were the Nephilim 2 42


The Nephilim – Written by Vernon Gray and critiqued by Tom Lessing If you haven’t read WHO WERE THE NEPHILIM (Part 1) please click here for PART 1 VERNON GRAY A further difficulty seems to be that the offspring were only...

Left Behind or led astray Pre-Trib 19

Pre-Trib – Suppressing the Truth in Unrighteousness

The Pretribulation Rapture: Suppressing the truth in unrighteousness (Updated – see the addendum) In this article, which is a follow-up of “PreTrib Rapture vs PostTrib Rapture” I aim to discuss the many questions I asked the No Pre-Trib crowd, Scott...

Left Behind or Led Astray 45

Pre-Trib Rapture vs Post-Trib Rapture

LEFT BEHIND OR LED ASTRAY:  PRE-TRIB RAPTURE vs POST-TRIB RAPTURE FACTIONS AND DIVISIONS Pre-Trib Rapture vs Post-Trib Rapture:  Factions and divisions have always been commonplace among Christians. How do we know this? Paul himself wrote: “For first of all, when...

The Book of Enoch 51

The Nephilim (Fallen Angels) Controversy

The Nephilim Controversy – The Book of Enoch Very few people seem to realize that the Nephilim theory is a Neo-Gnostic, New Age teaching and emphatic denial of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s incarnation. Genesis 6:1-7 And it came to...

Catholic Dogma 7

On The Verge of Apostasy?

Please read the ADDENDUM at the bottom of the page On the Verge of Apostasy? Though in the minority, there are some preachers and pastors who have not apostatized from the faith once delivered to us by the saints (Jude...