Category: Henri Nouwen


die nuwe nuwe testament 1


“Vader, mag mense met die grootste respek van U praat en U so eer,” Stephan Joubert het op 1 Mei 2022 sy en Jan van der Watt se “Die NUWE Nuwe Testament”  aan die wêreld bekend gestel toe hy in een...

Towery 9

Stephan Joubert se Deurlees van die Boek Openbaring in Koronatyd Herbesoek – Deel 1

Inleiding Dit is opvallend hoe die boek Openbaring ’n oplewing ervaar in die gesprekke, onderhoude en preke van ons land se mees vooraanstaande geestelike leiers. Twee name wat onmiddellik die aandag trek, is Stephan Joubert en Riekert Botha. Korona Virus...

Jacques Bornman 7

The Battle for the Mind

The most ferocious wars throughout the centuries were not the ones fought on the bloody battlefields of the world. The most potent wars take place in the mind of every single human being, every single day. The battle cry of...

Sweeping Truth under the carpet 3

How to Sweep the Truth under the Carpet the Stephan Joubert Way

Sweeping the Truth Under the Carpet For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and make it inoperative. (Romans 1:18) Many Christians the...

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The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness without Steroids”

The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness” Adherents to the Emergent Church have an uncanny ability to tell their congregates what to do without explaining to them what they really have in mind. They have the knack to use biblical terminology very...

new-evangelicalism 56

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age

The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age I have been looking into Vatican II for a long time now wondering just how many of our well known pastors are Pope sympathisers.  Then the Emergent Movement exploded onto the scene,...

Manhattan Declaration – 13

Manhattan Declaration – WARNING – Leads You Toward A New Religion

“PERHAPS MILLIONS” BEING LED TOWARD THE NEW AGE/NEW SPIRITUALITY  – December 4th, 2009 Thank you to LightHouseTrails for this SPECIAL REPORT [Pictures of Manhatten Declaration Logo and Chuck Colson added by DTW] We are seeking to build a movement –...

FreddieCoffeeBarBlog 17

Emergent – Another Student at TUKS Theology Loses the Plot

Emergent – Another Student at TUKS Theology Loses the Plot Freddie honestly believes that born again Christians and the Emergent Christian are the same.  Freddie honestly believes therefore that when ‘Christians’ are questioning what they believe and preach they are...