Category: E

MMC2009 – 37

Angus Buchan and the Promise Keepers

Promise Keepers – “God is looking for men, and for women, for boys and girls, that will change the world!   THE WORLD!   Waiting!   All creation is waiting with expectation, on tip toes, FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD!   ...

Emerging Africa roman catholicism 73

‘Everything Must Change’ Back to Roman Catholicism

There is a conversation going on at the Emerging Africa website under the post Christian Piracy regarding my defence for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and my ongoing never to end ‘good fight’ for the TRUTH.  I made a comment there which was supposed to...

Ron Martoia Advert 29

Are Ron Martoia, Stephan Joubert and Nelus Niemandt Experts in their Field?

Ron Martoia, an Expert is an Unknown Drip Under Pressure So Ron Martoia was invited to South Africa to speak at the Pierre van Ryneveldt NG Kerk on the 28th August 2009 on “Transforming Church the 2009 Way”.   The speakers were:   Ron Martoia,...

freemason logo 18

New World Order Airport with Occult Art

This is disturbing.  I can’t believe that they are blatant enough to put occult art like this out in the open for everyone to see.  Then again we are in a New Age where anything goes, except the gospel of Jesus...

Sadhu Sundar Singh – 94

Sadhu Sundar Singh – Hindu Mystic in Sheep’s Clothing

Sadhu Sundar Singh and His So Called Christian Exploits with Emanuel Swedenborg I have come across quite a few ‘Christian’ websites who think that Sadhu Sundar Singh was truly a man of God.  I’ve spent hours and hours reading about...

elza meyer 30

Elza Meyer Attacked by Demons, Saved by Son

ELZA MEYER ATTACKED BY DEMONS, SAVED BY SON No, her real son, not Jesus Christ the Son of God. Sorry to disappoint. Thanks to Thomas for spotting this one. Elza Meyer from Moreleta Park Dutch Reformed Church had this to say… “During the...

Amahoro Africa 18

Amahoro – Take Over Africa and Then the World

Amahoro – Transfiguration to Take Over Africa and then the World Opening Address at The Gathering: South Africa Gathering from (8-15 June, 2009) – Posted by Claude Nikondeha on June 08, 2009 at 2:59 PM [Bold Emphasis and notes in...

YouMagTBJoshua 89

T.B. Joshua – False Miracle Man

T.B. Joshua a False Miracle Man Letter by Bill Randles to the You Magazine regarding their article on T.B. Joshua (02/25/2001) Dear Sirs, I am writing in regard to your article (02/25/01) on the prophet T.B. Joshua entitled MIRACLE MAN. As a Christian...

TB Joshua 61

T.B. Joshua – The Deceiver

An expose’ on T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations by Sandy Simpson, 3/01  [2] There has been a lot of talk about T.B. Joshua from Nigeria lately. I have written to him asking for two items: (1)...

OldWayNewWay 30

Latter Rain – Taking Dominion with another Gospel another Christ

ANOTHER GOSPEL – Please read the below…  I know a lot of good people caught up in this, thinking that what these ‘pastors’ are preaching is ok and they can’t see any harm in it.  They can’t see any harm...