Category: D

Pastors/Teachers/Speakers beginning with Letter D

i am 0

John Adams, “WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?” (Part 5)

THE HIDDEN FAITH OF THE AMERICAN FOUNDING FATHERS John Adams (1735-1826) Second American President and First Vice-President who helped Thomas Jefferson draft the Declaration of Independence Introduction Please allow me to share a short “What If” story with you. Imagine...

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George Washington “WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?” Part 4

THE HIDDEN FAITH OF AMERICA’S FOUNDING FATHERS George Washington (1732-1799) George Washington – It comes as no surprise that American Christian Nationalists who advocate for the merging of church and state conveniently overlook certain truths about their Founding Fathers. They...

Leon du Preez and Encounter Church 1

Encounter Church and Leon Du Preez

In the beginning of this year we were approached by a journalist from a prominent media house company to answer a few questions on Encounter Church and Leon Du Preez. They were looking to do a segment on Leon du...

Mother Goddess Worship with Child 0


Introduction Stephan Joubert is not the only person who loves to disparage the truth, and, as I have already pointed out in one of my previous FB posts and DTW articles, he cannot seem to shake off the idea that...

die nuwe nuwe testament 1


“Vader, mag mense met die grootste respek van U praat en U so eer,” Stephan Joubert het op 1 Mei 2022 sy en Jan van der Watt se “Die NUWE Nuwe Testament”  aan die wêreld bekend gestel toe hy in een...

Jan van der Watt - the rapture1 14

Jan van der Watt: The Rapture Error

Introduction “The Mark of the Beast and other Problems in Revelation” The following video is an extract from a second in a series of two made by Stephan Joubert’s Echurch on the theme, “The Mark of the Beast and other...

Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 0

Old Prophets and Young Illegal Priests: Who is Behind the Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 6)

The Old Prophets of South Africa To impress upon the hearts of the Afrikaner how some of the older South African prophets mightily and radically changed the lives of many Afrikaners in the past, Riekert Botha endearingly mentions Reverend Mike...

Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 4

The New Israel: Who is Behind the Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 4)

The New Israel: From the Frying Pan into Strange Fire? Several churches have experienced major exoduses in these last few decades. One of the more recent ones to have taken place in South Africa was when thousands upon thousands left...

AA Alcoholics Anonymous One-day-at-a-time 4

AA – One Day at a Time – Pure Demonism

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) – One Day at a Time – The requirements for sweet fellowship with God in his holy presence God solemnly warns, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not...

Shutting Up Jesus – The ugly verses 0

Shutting Up Jesus – The Ugly Verses

Shutting up Jesus – the ugly verses: Some of the things some of the Mosaïek Kerk fraternity say are thoroughly teachable wisdoms. If only some of them would listen carefully to these wisdoms, they might learn something profoundly biblical from...