Category: Chuck Missler


September 2017 – great sign 15

What Greater Sign is there? Revelations 12 & Sep 2017

I have had quite a few questions about the Great Sign that will take place in the heavens in September 2017 over Israel.  Prophecy News Watch’s director Kade Hawkins and Global Watch Weekly (who publish all sorts of fantastical ‘prophetic’...

Who were the Nephilim 2 42


The Nephilim – Written by Vernon Gray and critiqued by Tom Lessing If you haven’t read WHO WERE THE NEPHILIM (Part 1) please click here for PART 1 VERNON GRAY A further difficulty seems to be that the offspring were only...

Who were the Nephilim 1 18


Who were the Nephilim – written by Vernon Gray and critiqued by Tom Lessing VERNON GRAY In recent times there has been some controversy surrounding the origin of what the Bible calls the Nephilim. The verse in question here is...

Mary – William P Welty 9

Koinonia House – The Adoration of Mary

William P. Welty, Chuck Missler and Koinonia House – The Adoration of Mary Koinonia House (Chuck Missler and William Welty) – An article was just released by William P. Welty from Koinonia House entitled “Maybe It’s Time You Met the World’s Finest...

The Book of Enoch 51

The Nephilim (Fallen Angels) Controversy

The Nephilim Controversy – The Book of Enoch Very few people seem to realize that the Nephilim theory is a Neo-Gnostic, New Age teaching and emphatic denial of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s incarnation. Genesis 6:1-7 And it came to...

Jacob Prasch – Chuck Missler – Demonic Nephilim 203

Jacob Prasch & Chuck Missler – Demonic Nephilim

Jacob Prasch and his friend Chuck Missler both teach the the same demonic Nephilim teaching that angels came down to earth and had sexual relations with human women who somehow miraculously gave birth to ginormous babies who grew to be...

chuck missler and Roger Oakland 206

Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed

Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed: Do Not be Unequally Yoked Together with Unbelievers It is with a very heavy heart that I re-post this article because there is a man who I looked up to that I am now...

Scripture 5

Scripture and Nothing but Scripture

Only Scripture By Pastor Anton Bosch – One of the non-negotiable essentials of orthodox Christianity has always been the completeness of Scripture. By completeness we mean that the Bible (66 books) is the complete and final revelation of God to man....

Angus-Buchan2 97

Angus Buchan, Benny Hinn and God TV

Angus Buchan, Benny Hinn, and God TV I recently read an article written by Prof. Johan Malan in which he expresses his concerns about Angus Buchan. He says, amongst other things, the following in his article “Spiritual Deception, Revival and Angus...

NancyMissler 90

Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears

Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears Nancy Missler began her Christianity under a woman who was known for training the next generation of ecumenical world leaders and established the campus ecumenical movement. “Nancy Missler attended UCLA where she studied art. She met Chuck on a blind...