Category: B

Holy Longing – Johan Geyser 2

Emergent Mysticism (2)

Emergent Mysticism: A Biblical Appraisal of the Mosaic Congress held at the Mosaic Church (4 – 5 Sept. 2009) – Part 2 Session 1: “A Holy Longing” by Dr. Johan Geyser Dr. Johan Geyser has a doctorate in theology and...

shhhh2_thumb 21

Emergent Mysticism (1)

Emergent Mysticism: A Biblical Appraisal of the Mosaic Congress held at the Mosaic Church (4 – 5 Sept. 2009) – Part 1 The usual suspects spoke at the Mosaic Congress namely;  Ron Martoia (USA), Stephan Joubert, Johan Geyser, Trevor Hudson,...

ravi-zacharias 17

A Good Moral Soil

How To Achieve a Good Moral Soil and Thence an Unshakeable Unity We’re living in a day and age when everyone is striving for unity without counting the cost. Ravi Zacharias, speaking at a large congregation of Evangelicals and Mormons...

Catholic Dogma 7

On The Verge of Apostasy?

Please read the ADDENDUM at the bottom of the page On the Verge of Apostasy? Though in the minority, there are some preachers and pastors who have not apostatized from the faith once delivered to us by the saints (Jude...

Freemason – tower of bable 1 5

Why America is Going Down the Tube?

Want to know why America is going down the tube? The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. (Psalm 9:17) The day the US military burned the Bible in Afghanistan Military burns unsolicited Bibles...

building relationships- stephan joubert 1

Stephan Joubert – What You Think, Is What You Are

Stephan Joubert … What You Think, Is What You Are God says that our thoughts are mirror images of what we truly are in our deepest innermost being. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and...

Stephan Jouberts deconstruction of Christianity 3

Stephan Joubert’s Censorship of Paul and Deconstruction of Christianity

Stephan Joubert is constantly criticizing the Church. In his newest blog commentary on echurch he says that the Church needs simple Simons to cure the Church. Cure the Church of what and to which Church is he actually referring?  –...

lion of judah – latter rain / NAR 50

Latter Rain NAR – Has it Poured into Your Church?

What are the tell tale signs to know if your church is following Latter Rain / NAR / Manifest Sons of God teaching: Here from is an explanation of what Latter Rain teaching is. Sounds very Christian, sounds even...

Grace to You John MacArthur – Take Mark of the Beast Repent Be Saved 33

John MacArthur – Take Mark of the Beast and Still be Saved

The fact that John MacArthur teaches that you can take the Mark of the beast during the tribulation and still be saved as biblical truth is because he is a Calvinist.  The doctrine of Calvinism is a false doctrine of...

Chuck Smith 36

Chuck Smith founder of Calvary Chapel dies at age 86

Chuck Smith has passed on. Watch the accolades and glorification roll in for a man who never alienated anyone because he didn’t want to offend. The only ones he was able to really offend were the Calvinists. He took a...