Category: B

Prison-Camp-Public-Domain 12

Obama Declares War On Extremists

Obama Declares War On ‘Extremists’ – Are You An ‘Extremist’ According To His Definition? By Michael Snyder, on January 11th, 2015 Do you know what an extremist is?  In the wake of the horrible terror attacks on the offices of...

Rema Marketing Global Watch Weekly 44

Who is Rema Marketing (Global Watch Weekly)?

Rema Marketing article updated: 4/4/2015; 17/4/2015; 27/4/2015; 9/8/2017 Who is Rema Marketing (Global Watch Weekly) and what do they believe? It really upsets me when so called ‘Christian’ ministries lie.  It upsets me even more when so called ‘Christian’ ministries charge...

Eugene-Peterson_thumb.jpg 0

The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness without Steroids”

The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness” Adherents to the Emergent Church have an uncanny ability to tell their congregates what to do without explaining to them what they really have in mind. They have the knack to use biblical terminology very...

rent veil 0

Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top

Rending the Veil from the Bottom to the Top. What do you think the result would be if we were to do a survey asking people the question: “If you were able to bring about the most important and revolutionary...

pope francis and graham power 8

Graham Power meets Pope Francis

Graham Power meets Pope Francis from the Roman Catholic Church Just recently Graham power went to meet Pope Francis to discuss how Christians can take a stand against corruption.  After Graham Power met with Pope Francis he then traveled to the...

Blame your sins on the devil – God TV 5

God TV – Let’s Just Blame All Our Sins On The Devil

GOD TV – Lets just blame the devil for our sins and continue to support him as an angel of light. Adam’s accusation, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and...

lady gaga moab 1

Lady Gaga – Is She Preparing Israel for Antichrist?

Lady Gaga, Israel and the Antichrist! In reference to the Jews’ readiness to receive Antichrist rather than Him, the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, made this startling statement:- This particular prophecy became more evident recently when one of Satan’s servants received a...

Dutch Reformed Chruch Wolmaransstad-NG Kerk 47

Freemasonry and the Dutch Reformed Church – Part 1

Freemasonry and the Dutch Reformed Church The following articles outlines the history of Freemasonry in the world and in particular South Africa; including it’s huge influence in the Dutch Reformed Church, the Afrikaner Broederbond and the building of the Voortrekker...

capetownforjesus 5

Cape Town 4 Jesus (2010)

Mosaiek kerk – Emergent 0

Emergent Mysticism (3)

Emergent Mysticism: A biblical appraisal of the Mosaic Congress – Mosaic Church (4-5 Sept. 2009) – Part 3 Session 2: “Transfiguration: Up and down the mountain” by Trevor Hudson. On the second page of their very smart and glossy programme...