Category: B

Barack Obama – interview 4

A Fascinating Interview with Barack Obama

Obama’s Fascinating Interview with Cathleen Falsani Tursday, November 11, 2008 The most detailed and fascinating explication of Barack Obama’s faith came in a 2004 interview he gave Chicago Sun Times columnist Cathleen Falsani when he was running for U.S. Senate...

joelolsteen-cocacolaoct2009 66

Ray McCauley & Joel ‘Stop talking to God’ Osteen – Coca Cola Dome (23-24 Oct 2009)

The time for only 2 DAYS OF HOPE draws nigh… Updated  20th October 2009 (See notes at end of article) Oh the invasion continues.  Joel ‘stop taking to God’ Osteen and a pack of friends are gracing us with their...

Benny Hinn 4

Benny Hinn – God Never Called Me to Verify. I’m Not a Doctor

Comments by DTW in Green Pastor Benny Hinn: Charlatan or Man of God? Friday, October 09, 2009 By Lauren Green – © FOX News Network Pastor Benny Hinn is being investigated by the Senate Finance Committee and was recently denied...

FIFA 2010 World Cup 0

Al-Qaeda Jihadists Plot Attack Against FIFA 2010 World Cup

Al-Qaeda Jihadists Plot Attack Against FIFA 2010 World Cup Righttt… well… we have the Vuvuzela!  Just the sound of these puppies will severely disable any communication between terrorists within a 600km radius.  The Vuvuzela is like the South African version of...

Robert Mundell – 2

The Father of a One World Currency

And even after reading this article, most will dismiss this as being something normal, part of the way the world is going.  They will argue, that we are not in the last days.  Blinded by the Spirit of Unity. Meet...

Religious Left Discovers Radical Islam 0

The Religious Left Discovers Radical Islam

The Religious Left Discovers Radical Islam By: Mark D. Tooley – Monday, September 14, 2009 Copyright © 2007 Amazingly, the recent Islamist atrocities in Pakistan have compelled some left-leaning church groups in the West to admit problems with radical...

obama – nobel peace prize 16

Barack Hussein Obama Deserves Nobel Peace Prize

Leopold Scholtz writes in Beeld Saturday 10 October that the general feeling is the prize has been awarded to the right man, but prematurely. Not so, says Nidra Poller. Pres. Barack Hussein Obama is the perfect recipient of the Nobel...

Obama Nobel Peace Prize 33

SURPRISE! Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize!

SURPRISE! Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize! “Oh really?  What a surprise!”  *said with complete lack of emotion* I mean honestly.  I think it’s totally amazing that someone can win a prize for winning the tournament before it’s ended.  Oh wait –...

Benny Hinn – – Joe Skipper / Reuters 1

Benny Hinn Denied

This is very interesting article.  It shows us that religion (possibly those classified as Christian) are no longer tolerable.  A new points-based system in the UK has been put in place to combat “extremism and prevent teachers of religious hate” entering the country....