Category: B

TonyBlair 3

Rick Warren to host ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair

Obama-GodofAllThings-Newsweek 14

Obama the Destroyer

Since Barack Obama first appeared on TV he has been referred to as the The One, Messiah, Christ and God. This is the latest installment from NEWSWEEK.  In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown on its cover page...

AmazingDiscoveries 206


Urgent warning about Seventh Day Adventists (SDA) Evengelistic drive 2010 at the Mosaïek Theatre in Randburg from 10 November to 4 December 2010:  AMAZING DISCOVERIES 2010. The Seventh Day Adventist church currently has adverts on TV (SABC) and Radio (702) regarding...

MarkDriscollsT-Shirt 95

New Calvinism – Catching a Gullible Generation

A new term has been coined for the youth, it’s called New Calvinism or Neo-Reformed.  It’s actually Old Calvinism repackaged for a more vibrant gullible generation. Why is Calvinism spreading like wild fire in the times we living in?  Because they preach what appears...

LausanneCongress-CapeTown2010 45

The 3rd Lausanne Congress Opens in Cape Town – 16 Oct 2010

Updated:  John Piper a speaker at Lausanne Congress! The Third Lausanne Congress Opens in Cape Town MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 16 /Christian Newswire/ — The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization opens in Cape Town this weekend, Sunday 17 October 2010....

AugustineLightnerMuseum 154

Unconditional Election and Total Depravity are Gnostic Teachings

Unconditional Election and Total Depravity are Gnostic Teachings Unconditional Election (Predestination), is the letter U in the acronym T.U.L.I.P that forms the basis of Calvinism. The doctrine of Predestination asserts that some people are born already selected for salvation or...

Angus-Buchan2 97

Angus Buchan, Benny Hinn and God TV

Angus Buchan, Benny Hinn, and God TV I recently read an article written by Prof. Johan Malan in which he expresses his concerns about Angus Buchan. He says, amongst other things, the following in his article “Spiritual Deception, Revival and Angus...

PalaceOfPeaceAndReconciliation-2 14

Palace of Peace and Reconciliation

The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (also translated as the Pyramid of Peace and Accord) is a 77 m high building in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. The structure was built by Sembol Construction at a cost of 8.74 billion Kazakh tenge (about...