Category: A

Maria Fraser – Blou Rokke 17

Blou Rokke – A Latter Rain Cult

Blou Rokke (Blou Rokkies) – The Latter Rain Mission of South Africa ORIGIN: The Blou Rokke religious cult had its beginnings in South Africa under the leadership of Maria Martha Fraser whom they call their founder. Their golden jubilee publication, Spade...

Its Time – Angus Buchan 48

Angus Buchan – It’s Time to Unite All Faiths under Rome

Angus Buchan – It’s Time to Unite All Faiths under Rome That’s right, “It’s Time”, time to unite all faiths in a National Day of Prayer in Bloemfontein under Rome.  The Vryheid Herald says:  “MEN and women of faith will...

Its Time – Angus Buchan 25

IT’S TIME – Transformation South Africa

IT’S TIME FOR “MY PEOPLE” – “MY PEOPLE?” Please note how Angus Buchan changed 2 Chronicles 7:14. Instead of quoting it correctly as “and will heal THEIR (THE JEWS) land (ISRAEL), he very subtly changed it to read as “and...

Lesslie Newbigin 1

Incarnational Spirituality

WHAT IS INCARNATIONAL SPIRITUALITY? Lesslie Newbigin offers one of the best definitions of incarnational spirituality. The following is an excerpt from “Assessing Missional Orientation: Observing Biblical Community, Incarnational Service, Bold and Humble Witness, and Reproduction of Disciples in The Light...

Guilt by Association 5

Guilt by Association

Many well-known and greatly esteemed preachers and teachers have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about their association with some of the weirdest, worst, and most dangerous false prophets in these last days’ of exponential apostasy. Here are a few well-documented examples....

Parliament-of-the-Worlds-Religions-2015-graphic_thumb.png 1

Parliament of World’s Religions: Birds of a Feather . . .

Quip of the Week:  Parliament of World’s Religions: Birds of a Feather . . . Facilitators in the Parliament of World’s Religions are working at break-neck speed to inaugurate the New World Order. After more than 22 years, it will...

Blue-eyed Brain 9

Stephan Joubert: The New Positive Confessionist

Stephan Joubert: The New Positive Confessionist Like so many Emergent Christians, Stephan Joubert has become so desperately besotted with all the most recent studies on all kinds of silly stuff that he has forgotten what the Bible teaches, or shall I...

Owl Jewellery 10

Owls – From Bohemian Grove to Jewellery Stores

Owls – From Bohemian Grove to Jewellery Stores near you… When shopping for costume jewelry there are a couple of stores that I go too to buy stunning jewelry.  For almost 2 years I’ve noticed that the jewelry from one...

The Narrow Way 31

A Very Lonely Path

A Very Lonely Path for a Genuine Christian John 21:18-22 Amplified Bible (AMP) 18 I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, when you were young you girded yourself [put on your own belt or girdle] and you walked about...