Category: At Boshoff


Leon du Preez and Encounter Church 1

Encounter Church and Leon Du Preez

In the beginning of this year we were approached by a journalist from a prominent media house company to answer a few questions on Encounter Church and Leon Du Preez. They were looking to do a segment on Leon du...

At Boshoff and CRC church – Masonic 10

At Boshoff & CRC church – 100% Masonic

Is At Boshoff and his CRC church’s ‘god’ the “Masonic Architect of the Universe, the Master Designer”? Masonic Pastors have become so brazen now they are telling you to your face who they worship – but are you really listening,...

lion of judah – latter rain / NAR 50

Latter Rain NAR – Has it Poured into Your Church?

What are the tell tale signs to know if your church is following Latter Rain / NAR / Manifest Sons of God teaching: Here from is an explanation of what Latter Rain teaching is. Sounds very Christian, sounds even...

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At Boshoff from CRC Church shows us how Pharisees went about ‘Honoring’ God

The recent invitation to debate sent to Mr. At Boshoff by Dion Knoesen was as a result of the below notice sent out by CRC, to their members and undersigned by Mr. Boshoff. This notice was dated 16 November 2010...

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Ray McCauley & Joel ‘Stop talking to God’ Osteen – Coca Cola Dome (23-24 Oct 2009)

The time for only 2 DAYS OF HOPE draws nigh… Updated  20th October 2009 (See notes at end of article) Oh the invasion continues.  Joel ‘stop taking to God’ Osteen and a pack of friends are gracing us with their...