Category: Andrew Strom

Andrew Strom, Revival School, John the Baptist TV

lion of judah – latter rain / NAR 50

Latter Rain NAR – Has it Poured into Your Church?

What are the tell tale signs to know if your church is following Latter Rain / NAR / Manifest Sons of God teaching: Here from is an explanation of what Latter Rain teaching is. Sounds very Christian, sounds even...

AndrewStrom-Revivalschool 31

Andrew Strom and J Lee Grady – False Teachers waiting for the Spiritual Revival of the Roman Catholic Church

Andrew Strom and J Lee Grady – False Teachers waiting for the Spiritual Revival of the Roman Catholic Church Andrew Strom has tried desperately to play the role of the ‘good guy’.  But I have repeatedly shown him up for...

Ivin Viljoen 66

Ivin Viljoen – The Fires of Hell Burn Bright

Ivin Viljoen – A False teacher teaching our youth in South Africa. I have been meaning to write an article about 220Generation ( and Ivin Viljoen for a while, but it’s been a difficult one only because reading his newsletters...

AndrewStrom 74

Andrew Strom gets it WRONG again…

Andrew Strom gets it WRONG again… This is becoming a habit Andrew Strom and very irritating.  Come now, stop it. This email just came into my mailbox from REVIVAL List by Andrew Strom.  Read and laugh or cry… ~~~~~~~~ REVIVAL...

WalkThePlank – False teachers 44

False Teachers – What do you do when?

Most people trapped in blatant false teaching manage to escape their captors evil clutches and then run off seeking truth in the direction of men, other men who preach false teaching but are not so blatant. What do you do when...

AndrewStrom 25

Andrew Strom sends his sheep into the ‘Unusual’

This is probably the most disturbing ‘dream/vision passed off as being Godly’ I have read in a while.  Andrew Strom attached a WARNING to his email saying,      “WARNING: This is a highly unusual post!! But hopefully you will find it...

MMC2009 – 37

Angus Buchan and the Promise Keepers

Promise Keepers – “God is looking for men, and for women, for boys and girls, that will change the world!   THE WORLD!   Waiting!   All creation is waiting with expectation, on tip toes, FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD!   ...