Category: South Africa

Israel: violence and mayhem in South Africa 2

Israel: Who is Behind The Violence & Mayhem in SA? (Part 2)

Anti-Semitism maligns, disparages, and vilifies God’s character which is to be true to Himself in doing what He says He will do.

Israel: violence and mayhem in South Africa 3

Antisemitism: Who is Behind The Violence & Mayhem in SA? (Part 1)

Introduction on who is behind violence and mayhem in South Africa How do you prove that Israel is no longer or never has been God’s chosen people? The best way, according to Riekert Botha, is to compare the Afrikaner nation...

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Entstof -Stephan Joubert in Gesprek met Dr. Ena Bromley

Stephan Joubert van Ekerk-faam het op 22 Desember 2020 in ”n regstreekse uitsending ‘n onderhoud gehad met Dr. Ena Bromley, ‘n internasionaal bekende genetikus. Die vraag is gevra of Christene die Covid-19 entstof kan neem, veral ten aansien van “sekere...

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Why are you afraid of Christmas?

Why are you afraid of Christmas? Transcription of above audio: In one of the most recent articles on his E-church webpage (dated 17th December 2020), Stephan Joubert recounts a conversation he had with a woman who maintained, and rightly so,...

Frik Weideman - Merk van die Bees - Covax - Covid-19 16

Frik Weideman – COVAX / 666 Refute

Paul was prepared to be cast into hell for his Jewish brothers after the flesh if that would have been possible to save them. He writes: “I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not my conscience testifies with me...

Covid-19 and The Mark of the Beast 13

COVID-19 Vaccine & Mark of the Beast?

Our NAR (Apostlic and Prophetic) tongues speaking Chief justice Mogoeng Mogoeng has decided to take up preaching instead of keeping his day job and prayed for the nation with regards to corruption, COVID-19 vaccine and the Mark of the Beast....

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Riekert Botha – VitaDei Vrymesselary?

Inleiding VitaDei Vrymesselary – Ter inleiding wil ek ons lesers eers graag daarop wys dat, soos in enige ander mistieke filosofie of sisteem, godsdiens of beweging, die sg. Pelgrimsreis of Pelgrimstog (“journey”) wat elkeen in die mistieke domein onderneem in...

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Andrew Murray – Masonic Charismatic Calvinist

Many people view Andrew Murray as a great preacher, a godly man, while others believe there is something not quite right about him.  I have spent many a month investigating Freemasonry with regards to pastors in churches in South Africa....

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The Heresy of Xandré Strydom

Madeleine from Discerning the Worlds’s Facebook group asked about Xandré Strydom of Christ in Me International. I went to investigate. Xandré Strydom is the Senior Pastor from Christ in Me International and teaches the heresy that Jesus was not born...

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Net Twee Dinge – Vita Dei Woordskool

Net twee dinge nodig om te weet? Net twee dinge om te weet – In die meegaande YouTube video van Vita Dei Woordskool, waarin Riekert Botha die Berg van Verheerliking in Matteus 17 bespreek, sê hy ’n baie eienaardige ding...