Category: Countries

Johan Geyser – aanvaar 5


Leuens kom hoofsaaklik in mooi geskenkies toegedraai. Sommige van hulle is selfs oordek met die beste Bybel leeromslag en is met potsierlike strikkies toegedraai, net om jou ingebore behoefte na aanvaarding te troetel. Paulus praat daarvan in Galasiërs 4. Die...

Maria Fraser – Blou Rokke 17

Blou Rokke – A Latter Rain Cult

Blou Rokke (Blou Rokkies) – The Latter Rain Mission of South Africa ORIGIN: The Blou Rokke religious cult had its beginnings in South Africa under the leadership of Maria Martha Fraser whom they call their founder. Their golden jubilee publication, Spade...

Its Time – Angus Buchan 48

Angus Buchan – It’s Time to Unite All Faiths under Rome

Angus Buchan – It’s Time to Unite All Faiths under Rome That’s right, “It’s Time”, time to unite all faiths in a National Day of Prayer in Bloemfontein under Rome.  The Vryheid Herald says:  “MEN and women of faith will...

Its Time – Angus Buchan 25

IT’S TIME – Transformation South Africa

IT’S TIME FOR “MY PEOPLE” – “MY PEOPLE?” Please note how Angus Buchan changed 2 Chronicles 7:14. Instead of quoting it correctly as “and will heal THEIR (THE JEWS) land (ISRAEL), he very subtly changed it to read as “and...

Tail Between Legs 7

Die Stert Tussen die Bene Calviniste

Die Stert Tussen die Bene Calviniste Die mooi Afrikaanse uitdrukking “om met die stert tussen die bene weg te hardloop” het onlangs baie handig te pas gekom in my gesprek met ‘n klompie Calviniste wat die NG Kerk se besluit...

Keep it short like The Cat in the Hat Seuss 3

Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat

Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss Stephan Joubert pulled another rabbit from his hat when he advised the readers of his site to  “Hou dit Kort”  (Keep it Short). To illustrate he refers to Dr...

Guilt by Association 5

Guilt by Association

Many well-known and greatly esteemed preachers and teachers have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about their association with some of the weirdest, worst, and most dangerous false prophets in these last days’ of exponential apostasy. Here are a few well-documented examples....