Category: Countries

The Base Church Collage2 5

The Evil of Scripture-Based Deception – Part 1

Introduction Deception of any kind is one of the most despicable and evil things a person can inflict on another. It cannot be anything less than despicable and evil because it is based on lies, deceit, dishonesty, and knavery of...

Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism – Fundamentalist 4

The Fundamentalist Tag

The Fundamentalist Tag – Introduction The easiest way to win an argument or to get an audience on your side is to use the “fundamentalist tag” on someone who disagrees with you, especially in the realm of religion. Like the...

Jannes Labuscagne The Base Church – Jannes Labuscagne The Base Church – Seed Within, Overcomer 4

The Seed Within You: The Base Church

Introduction: The Seed Within You Salvation is often portrayed as Christ being the seed of life sown in us to grow within us. Adherents to the New Apostolic Reformation and the Manifestation of the Sons of God who believe this...

Imagine Motivational Wallpapers 7


The Art of “Soft-Power” Imagine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, defines “soft power” as follows: Soft power is the ability to attract and co-opt, rather than coerce (hard power). Soft power is the ability to shape the preferences of others through appeal and attraction....

uncle-angus-buchan-what-to-expect-from-its-time-pretoria 25

Angus Buchan sets aside God’s Doctrines to achieve Peace and Unity in South Africa

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine,...

Magicians-Antichrist 11

Magicians preparing the world for Antichrist

Every illusion or magic performance by all magicians begins with a lie and as we know from the bible who the father of all lies is, and that is Satan. John 8:44 (KJV)44 Ye are of your father the devil, and...

Johan Geyser Philemon – universal brotherhood 0

A Universal Brotherhood of Jesus-Followers

A Universal Brotherhood of Jesus-Followers:  Leading the Masses to Their Second Death Who could have imagined or contemplated that a Bible Book, consisting of only 25 verses, could be used to promote a universal brotherhood of loving, reconciled elitist masters...

Quiz time – Test your knowledge2 8

Quiz Time??? Topic: Abortion

QUESTION: Is abortion murder? Mrs. Ples, an alleged 2.3 million-year-old fossil was discovered in 1947 by Robert Broom and John T. Robinson in the Sterkfontein caves near Krugersdorp, now called Mogale City. Her paleoanthropological name is Australopithecus africanus. I don’t know...

wolves in sheep’s clothing 22

Ravenous Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Ravenous Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Satan’s Commanders in Chief.  Satan’s most dangerous “ministers of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) and their devious deceptions are never easy to detect. No wonder Jesus warned that “false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall...

Lent – Back to Rome 19

Mosaïek Kerk: Back to Rome

Mosaïek Kerk – Back to Rome and Bible Prophecy Rome: Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of...