Category: Countries

William Branham Tomb Stone 4

1 in 3 Democrats Communicate with the Dead

They Communicate with the Dead Oh wait they forgot to include Evangelists in their survey like Benny Hinn – He often goes to Kathryn Kuhlman’s grave to communicate with the dead in order to get power and Kobus van Rensburg from Spirit Word TV was filmed...

FIFA Free Education – © – Fairuse Copyright, please credit and link to if you use this image. 1

FIFA says Free Education for Africa – What does the fine print say?

As I sat watching the FIFA 2010 draw take place last week.  The President of FIFA Sepp Blatter said they had a big surprise for the world.  The 2010 FIFA soccer world cup would be used in a political way for the...

Transformaton Africa 6

Graham Power & Angus Buchan – The Transformation of Africa

REVIVAL / TRANSFORMATION AFRICA This is an article that I had posted in June 2008.  I am reposting it, because it’s important to know what’s going on for those who don’t know.  I have updated it with some extra information (DTW...

No Liberation from Resurrecting Liberation Theology 0

No Liberation from Resurrecting Liberation Theology

The feeling of cold chills that come over me when I read this, it’s just not one bit liberating. Resurrecting Liberation Theology – by Mark D. Tooley The 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s collapse ought to prompt leftist churchmen to apologize...

Third way vs only way 0

The Third Way vs The Only Way

The Third Way vs The Only Way Dr. Guillaume Smit, an ordained minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, has a post on his blog, now named Theology, Mission and Ministry, from Scot McKnight’s website:  Third Way Preaching and Education. McKnight...

Bible 5

Scripture – Be of Sober Spirit, Take up the Full Armour of God

Why are you to be of sound mind?  Why are you to be of sober spirit?  Because we live in times where the devil prowls like a roaring lion seeking to destroy you mind.  This is not a fleshly battle,...

MMC2009 – 37

Angus Buchan and the Promise Keepers

Promise Keepers – “God is looking for men, and for women, for boys and girls, that will change the world!   THE WORLD!   Waiting!   All creation is waiting with expectation, on tip toes, FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD!   ...

European Council – 0

Democracy is Over

“The road has been a marathon of hurdles but the last hurdle is now removed,” he says, neglecting of course to say that the main “hurdle” has been the democratic process, which he and his ilk have trampled underfoot.” Richard...

choothomas-heavenissoreal 86

Choo Thomas – Heaven is so Real – Is it Really?

Now if you go into your local Christian bookstore (CUM Bookstores here in South Africa for instance), chances are you will find many a book about someone who is having some weird manifestation and even here in South Africa the...

new world order US Sovereignty 3

Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty to NWO in Dec 2009?

Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty to NWO in Dec 2009?TREATY TO BE SIGNED WITHIN NEXT FEW WEEKS TO ESTABLISH – NEW WORLD ORDER See Youtube video below of Lord Christopher Monckton presentation – Please watch it and then...