Category: Middle East

FourHorsemen 178

Not Wrath, but Rapture – Will the Church Participate in the Great Tribulation?

There is an onslaught by Satan on snatching believers away from The Blessed Hope.  This onslaught is so intense that hardly anyone believes in a pre-tribulation rapture anymore, and if you do believe that Jesus would dare come and fetch...

TonyBlair 3

Rick Warren to host ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair

Turn2God – 144

Turn2God at the Union Buildings was…

Elza Meyer had a vision from God one morning to host Turn2God. They expected 40,000 people to show up and pay +/- R100 for seats.  (These things are no longer for free).   But instead her god only managed to get 15,000...

William Branham Tomb Stone 4

1 in 3 Democrats Communicate with the Dead

They Communicate with the Dead Oh wait they forgot to include Evangelists in their survey like Benny Hinn – He often goes to Kathryn Kuhlman’s grave to communicate with the dead in order to get power and Kobus van Rensburg from Spirit Word TV was filmed...

obama – nobel peace prize 16

Barack Hussein Obama Deserves Nobel Peace Prize

Leopold Scholtz writes in Beeld Saturday 10 October that the general feeling is the prize has been awarded to the right man, but prematurely. Not so, says Nidra Poller. Pres. Barack Hussein Obama is the perfect recipient of the Nobel...

Mandela, Maitreya and a Rainbow Nation 13

Mandela, Maitreya and a Rainbow Nation

Mandela, Maitreya and South Africa a Rainbow Nation I wrote the above article on the 5th April 2008 last year. I was not going to re-post this article until yesterday when I wrote the following article: “Transfiguration to Take Over Africa and...

GlennSueGrant1 54

Glenn Grant – The Second Son

Glenn Grant – Occultist and The Second Son I am writing this article as warning to all who have come into contact with a man by the name of Glenn Grant.  He has written a book called The Second Son.  I...