Category: Churches

The Calvinist Shredder Ps 139_16 6

The Calvinist Shredder – Psalm 139:16

The Calvinist Shredder –  Psalm 139:16 The Calvinist Shredder – Whenever some of my “friends” contact me via my private message box on Facebook, doing their utmost to convert me to Calvinism, I see it as a golden opportunity to present...

Christian Buddhism 7

Double Belonging / Christian Buddhism

Double Belonging or Christian Buddhism One of the most dangerous and skewed peculiarities of the Emergent Church is its mistaken view of suffering. Though they may disagree with this statement and argue that their understanding of suffering is firmly based on...

Tail Between Legs 19

The Tail Between the Legs Calvinists

The Tail Between the Legs Calvinists The expression “running away with your tail between your legs” has become quite relevant lately during my discussion with a group of Calvinists who attacked the DRC’s decision to accept same sex relationships and...

Tail Between Legs 7

Die Stert Tussen die Bene Calviniste

Die Stert Tussen die Bene Calviniste Die mooi Afrikaanse uitdrukking “om met die stert tussen die bene weg te hardloop” het onlangs baie handig te pas gekom in my gesprek met ‘n klompie Calviniste wat die NG Kerk se besluit...

Keep it short like The Cat in the Hat Seuss 3

Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat

Keep it Short like the Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss Stephan Joubert pulled another rabbit from his hat when he advised the readers of his site to  “Hou dit Kort”  (Keep it Short). To illustrate he refers to Dr...

Lesslie Newbigin 1

Incarnational Spirituality

WHAT IS INCARNATIONAL SPIRITUALITY? Lesslie Newbigin offers one of the best definitions of incarnational spirituality. The following is an excerpt from “Assessing Missional Orientation: Observing Biblical Community, Incarnational Service, Bold and Humble Witness, and Reproduction of Disciples in The Light...

Blue-eyed Brain 9

Stephan Joubert: The New Positive Confessionist

Stephan Joubert: The New Positive Confessionist Like so many Emergent Christians, Stephan Joubert has become so desperately besotted with all the most recent studies on all kinds of silly stuff that he has forgotten what the Bible teaches, or shall I...

Attie Nel 19

Mary Queen of Heaven and The Dutch Reformed Church Apostasy

Rev. Attie Nel Mary Queen of Heaven and The Dutch Reformed Church’s [Accelerated] Downward Spiral into Apostasy Someone recently asked me “How is it possible that anyone who once proclaimed a steadfast faith in Jesus Christ can apostatize from the...

Death of the Reprobate – oil on panel painting by Hieronymus Bosch 45

Only The Elect are Lost; The Reprobate are Not

Only The Elect are Lost –  The Reprobate are Not Elect, Can you Solve this Riddle?    I assume you already know that the Reformed fraternity is celebrating the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth on 10 July 1509 this year. You...