To Lent Or Not To Lent, That is The Question
To Lent or Not to Lent, That is the Question. Introduction The heading of this article “To Lent or not to Lent, that is the question” is, as our readers can see, a skit on one of the most famous...
To Lent or Not to Lent, That is the Question. Introduction The heading of this article “To Lent or not to Lent, that is the question” is, as our readers can see, a skit on one of the most famous...
Introduction: The Seed Within You Salvation is often portrayed as Christ being the seed of life sown in us to grow within us. Adherents to the New Apostolic Reformation and the Manifestation of the Sons of God who believe this...
A Universal Brotherhood of Jesus-Followers: Leading the Masses to Their Second Death Who could have imagined or contemplated that a Bible Book, consisting of only 25 verses, could be used to promote a universal brotherhood of loving, reconciled elitist masters...
The most ferocious wars throughout the centuries were not the ones fought on the bloody battlefields of the world. The most potent wars take place in the mind of every single human being, every single day. The battle cry of...
Ravenous Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Satan’s Commanders in Chief. Satan’s most dangerous “ministers of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) and their devious deceptions are never easy to detect. No wonder Jesus warned that “false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall...
Mosaïek Kerk: The Scallop of Pagan Spirituality (Divine Feminine Protection) The pagan church ‘Mosïek Kerk’ in Fairland, Randburg, as far as can be traced, is the only building in the whole of South Africa made in the form of an...
Mosaïek Kerk – Back to Rome and Bible Prophecy Rome: Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of...
Mosaïek Teatro: The Angel of Light Obstinately at His Very Best Having watched many videos of the Mosaïek Teatro’s sermons, it seems to me that Trevor Hudson is the only one who is frequently applauded for his messages, or could...
Trevor Hudson and His Angel of Light at his Very Best Angel of Light at his Very Best – Have you ever attended a church service where the worshipers were so much in awe of the pastor’s sermon that they applauded...