Category: Churches

DionForster 31

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video

Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking Video Dion Forster follower of the Cosmic Christ, Ecumenical Methodist Minister and avid cyclist, had this to say about the Turn2God gathering that took place on the 6th March 2010 at the Union Building...

Turn2God – 144

Turn2God at the Union Buildings was…

Elza Meyer had a vision from God one morning to host Turn2God. They expected 40,000 people to show up and pay +/- R100 for seats.  (These things are no longer for free).   But instead her god only managed to get 15,000...

Warning-Witchcraft Ahead 61

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away

Springbok ‘Healed’ by T.B. Joshua Sadly Pass Away If only people would just read the Word of God when it comes to the warning signs of spotting false teachers.  I just hope that springbok Ruben Kruger saw the truth of...

cobus-mycontemplationsblog 1

Cobus van Wyngaard – Avatar Portrays Wonderful World of Perfect Pantheism

Cobus van Wyngaard – Avatar Portrays Wonderful World of Perfect Pantheism Before I carry on..actually let me not waste my all my time on this one, because I mentioned this to Cobus before.  Please do all genuine Christians a favour and...

ray and zelda mc cauley 44

Rhema Church – Believe Belong Become God

Finally I got pictures of the huge billboard outside of Rhema Church in Randburg pastored by Pastor Ray McCauley.  In fact for all those signs and wonders  seekers out there, this is a SIGN just for you.  Beware of what Rhema...

Are Catholics Christian 45

Are Catholics Christian?

Please would you be so kind as to vote in this very important poll.   I have dubbed this voting station: The worlds first accurate poll on Catholicism Even if you have no intention of reading this blog further I would really...

Third way vs only way 0

The Third Way vs The Only Way

The Third Way vs The Only Way Dr. Guillaume Smit, an ordained minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, has a post on his blog, now named Theology, Mission and Ministry, from Scot McKnight’s website:  Third Way Preaching and Education. McKnight...

mosaiek church failands – Rex van Vuuren 2

Rex van Vuuren – Mosaiek Church Fairlands – Sep 2009

Supposed christian Rex van Vuuren offered a workshop on The Nature and Meaning of Dreams at the Mosaiek Church in Sep 2009. It would appear that dream interpretation is now officially Christian because someone by the name of Rex from the Dept...

GuillaumeSmitLogo 24

Guillaume Smit and the “Culture” of Islam?

Guillaume Smit and the “Culture” of Islam? Dear Rev. Guillaume Smit:   1)  Islam is not a culture.  But let’s say it was;  that means as per you, that Christianity is a culture too?  Hmmm… no wonder all you Ecumenical people can speak so...

Ron Martoia Advert 29

Are Ron Martoia, Stephan Joubert and Nelus Niemandt Experts in their Field?

Ron Martoia, an Expert is an Unknown Drip Under Pressure So Ron Martoia was invited to South Africa to speak at the Pierre van Ryneveldt NG Kerk on the 28th August 2009 on “Transforming Church the 2009 Way”.   The speakers were:   Ron Martoia,...